I have an issue with bleeding. The place where I make istinja sometimes bleeds, either because of a slight rip in the skin there, or because of some bleeding spots or because of excessive wiping. For example, sometimes during the day I see in my underwear small amounts of blood; however this cannot be found everytime: it is on and off. I usually place a tissue there to protect my underwear, when I take a look at it after some time, sometimes bits of blood are visible and sometimes not. What I want to know is whether I am allowed to pray two prayers in their respective times with the same wudhu, or whether I need to make wudhu in each prayer time. JazaakAllaahu Khayraa.
Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
After making the wudhu, if bleeding does not take place, your wudhu will remain intact and there is no need to renew the wudhu for the next salaat. Your wudhu will only break when bleeding or anything else that breaks wudhu takes place.
If, however, you qualify as a ma’zoor (excused person) then special rules will apply. You will qualify as a ma’zoor when the following condition is met: A complete time of salaat elapses in such a way that the bleeding does not stop for long enough for you to be able to perform the salaat in complete purity. Once you are classified as a ma’zoor, you will continue to be classified as a ma’zoor as long as you bleed at least once during every salaat time. If an entire time passes in which you do not bleed, you will not remain a ma’zoor. Therefore, you must determine whether you qualify as a ma’zoor or not. For details on the special rules that apply to a ma’zoor, you may search our website. |
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