Question: My friend has many qada
salah outstanding (around 5 years). He is finding it
difficult to complete both his sunnah-e-mukaddah and qada salah. Is it advisable to tell him to leave out performing
his sunnah-e-mukaddah until
ALL his qada salah has been
completed? بِسْمِ
الرَّحِيْم In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. One should not leave out the sunnah
mu’akkadah salats
just because he has qada salats
pending. He should offer the qada salats
as well as the sunnah mu’akkadah
salats. It is not true that one does not get rewards
for sunnah salats if he has
qada salats pending. If
your friend makes dua to Allah Ta’ala
to make it easy for him to complete the qada salats and if he musters up courage, insha’allah, he
will complete the qada salats
in no time. وأما
النفل فقال في
الفوائت أولى
وأهم من
النوافل إلا
سنن المفروضة
وصلاة الضحى
والصلاة التي
رويت فيها الأخبار.
اهـ. ط أي
كتحية المسجد
والأربع قبل العصر
والست بعد
المغرب ( شامي: 2/
74 سعيد ) وكذا في
الفتاوى: 1/ 367 And
Allah Ta'ala knows best Mufti Faizal Riza Darul Ifta
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