At my work, customers walk in to the toyota dealership and buy a new car from me after I spend alot of time and energy to help and convince them. I form a relationship with them so when they trade their old car in (used car) the dealership I work for gives them money for it. eg: $1000. This used car can be sold by my dealership for easily $3000-4000 where a profit is made. I have been in situations where I have had the opportunity to buy the car from customer instead of the dealership doing so. All I have to do is ask the customer and I can get it for $1000 and sell it myself privatley and make good money for my family, instead of the dealership making the extra money. I feel this is stealing so will not do it over and over again because it is like running my own buisness, but I at least want to do this to buy myself a car and maybe family members if they are in need. I need to know is this allowed islamically?the reason why i want to do this is to get the car for half price. I have two thoughs about it myself, one the dealership is deprived of making money from used cars, because I will buy one for myself or family directly from customer. the dealership does not allow this but my second thought is the customer owns the used car, its their property and if they like me and allow me to have it as a favour over the dealership, then thats their choice. the customer is the owner of the car and they are not at a loss financially, but the dealership will be. Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Since the dealership, for whom you work, has instructed you to purchase the old cars of the customers for the dealership, and since the dealership does not allow you to buy those cars for yourself, you must buy those cars for the dealership and it will not be permissible for you to buy them for yourself or your family members. Yes, if the customer himself refuses to sell his old car to the dealership and wants to sell it to you instead, then it will be permissible for you to buy it. However, you will have to buy it outside of your work hours, as it is not permissible for an employee to engage in personal tasks during work hours unless he has explicit permission from his employer to do so.
الشامي: قال
التتارخانية :
وفي فتاوى
الفضلي وإذا استأجر
رجلا يوما
يعمل كذا
فعليه أن يعمل
ذلك العمل إلى
تمام المدة
ولا يشتغل
بشيء آخر سوى
المكتوبة ( رد
المحتار: 9/118 ،
دار المعرفة ) ( وكذا في
الهندية: 4/468 ،
دار الكتب
العلمية )
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