Question: When something bad happens to me I lose my
temper and say very very bad things about Allah(SWT),
like he is not merciful, he is cruel; and I also curse Allah (Nauzubillah). Do I become a Kafir
by saying this? Are all my good deeds wasted by saying this? If I don't become
a kafir, can I repent for these sayings? Answer: بِسْمِ
الرَّحِيْم In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. If a
sane person says such things, he loses his iman and
becomes a kafir. Such a person must immediately
repent and renew his imaan as well as his nikaah. By sincere repentance, even the sin of kufr is
forgiven. يكفر
إذا وصف الله
تعالى بما لا
يليق به، أو سخر
باسم من
أسمائه، أو
بأمر من
أوامره، أو
نكر وعده
ووعيده، أو
جعل له شريكا،
أو ولدا، أو زوجة،
أو نسبه إلى
الجهل، أو
العجز، أو
النقص ...
كذا في البحر
الرائق ( وبعد
صفحة ) قال أبو
حفص - رحمه
الله تعالى -
من نسب الله
تعالى إلى
الجور فقد كفر
كذا في الفصول
العمادية (
الهندية: 2/ 270- 271، 272 ط
العلمية ) And with
Allah is all success. Mufti Faizal Riza Darul Ifta
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