A woman’s habit is to bleed for 6 days in her menstrual cycle. If the bleeding stops on 5th day, will it be permissible for her to have intercourse before the 6th day?
Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
If a woman’s habit is to bleed for 6 days in her menstrual cycle, however this month her bleeding stops on the fifth day, it is compulsory on her to take a ghusl and to start offering her prayers as soon as her bleeding stops on the fifth day. However, she should not offer her prayers at the beginning time of each prayer; instead she should delay them till the end of the mustahab time for each prayer. This is because it is compulsory on a woman whose bleeding stopped before her habit to delay her prayers till the end of the mustahab time. She should do this until she reaches her habit (i.e. the end of the 6th day in the above example).
The above is in regards to prayer. As for sexual relationship, the restrictions on sexual relationship that apply during menstruation will also apply when a woman’s bleeding stops before her habit until she reaches her habit. Hence, in the above example, sexual intercourse will not be permissible until the end of the sixth day of the woman’s menstrual cycle. (Raddul Muhtaar: 1/294, Saeed) |
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