Is it permissible to eat eels (Hindi/Urdu: baam)? Some people say that it is not permissible to eat them because they live in burrows in sand or mud in the oceans or streams/rivers. Answer:In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Eels are a type of fish. It is permissible to eat eels just like it is
permissible to eat all other types of fish. This is clearly and explicitly
mentioned in the books of Fiqh (Jurisprudence). For
example, it is mentioned in Hidaaya, an
authentic Fiqh book which is part of the curriculum
in many madrasas around the world: ولا بأس
بأكل الجرّيث
وأنواع السمك
والجراد بلا
ذكاة (الهداية:
7/ 152، كتاب
فصل ما يحل
أكله وما لا
يحل، مكتبة
البشرى ) Translation: It is permissible to eat Jirreeth
(a type of fish) and eels (Arabic: Maarmaahi) and all
(other) types of fish as well as locusts without slaughtering them. (Hidaaya: 7/152) In the commentary of the passage above, the word "Maarmaahi" (Arabic word for eel) is explained
thus: والمارماهي
السمكة التي
تكون في صورة
الحية (
البناية: 14/ 337،
الحقانية ) Translation: And "Maarmaahi" is a type
fish that is in the form of a snake. (Binaaya:
14/337) In Ahsanul Hidaaya,
the Urdu commentary of Hidaaya, the word
"Maarmaahi" is translated as "Baam", which is the Urdu and Hindi word for an
eel. Below is a scanned image of the relevant sections of the passage from Ahsanul Hidaaya
(13/287-288)* As for eels living in burrows in sand or mud in the waters of oceans
and rivers, that is no reason for declaring them to be haram.
Many other types of fish also live in burrows of sand and mud; and it is known
that all types of fish are halal. In short, it is undoubtedly permissible to eat eels. (ولا)
يحل (حيوان
مائي إلا
السمك) ... (و) إلا
(الجريث) سمك
سمك في صورة
الحية ( الدر
المختار: 6/ 306-307،
سعيد ) And Allah knows best Mufti 16/10/2012 Darul Ifta ____________________________________ * Below is a scanned image of the entire passage: | answers issues pertaining to Shariah. Thereafter, these questions and answers are placed for public view on for educational purposes. However, many of these answers are unique to a particular scenario and cannot be taken as a basis to establish a ruling in another situation or another environment. bears no responsibility with regards to these questions being used out of their intended context.
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