Question: The Mahr at
the nikah of a couple was stipulated to be a hajj
trip specifically where only the husband and nobody else could take the wife
for hajj. Now the couple have divorced and the hajj trip has not been fulfilled,
i.e. mahr has not been fulfilled. How can the husband
fulfil his obligation of mahr now that he and the woman
are strangers? Answer: بِسْمِ
الرَّحِيْم In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most
Merciful. Our understanding of the question is that at
the time of the nikah it was agreed that the husband
will take his wife for Hajj and that this will be the mahr.
If our understanding of the question is correct then the answer is that
stipulating such a mahr was invalid and, as a result,
the husband will have to pay 'mahrul mithl' to his wife. If divorce has taken place between the
couple and the man has not yet paid mahrul mithl to his ex-wife, he must do so as soon as possible. ولو
تزوج امرأة
على طلاق
امرأة له أخرى
أو على دم عمد
له عليها أو
على وليها أو
على أن يعلمها
القرآن أو على
أن يحج بها
كان لها مهر
مثلها، ولو
تزوجها على
حجة كان لها
حجة وسط (
خانية على
هامش الهندية:
1/377 ) وإذا
تزوج على
تعليم الحلال
والحرام من
الأحكام أو
على الحج
ونحوهما من
الطاعات لا
تصح التسمية
عندنا ..... ولو
تزوج امرأة
على طلاق
امرأة له أخرى
أو على دم عمد
له عليها أو على
أن يحج بها؛
كان لها مهر
مثلها، كذا في
فتاوى قاضي
خان ( هندية: 1/307 ) وأشار
المصنف إلى
أنه لو تزوجها
على أن يحج بها
وجب مهر المثل
لكن فرق في
الخانية بين
أن يتزوجها
على أن يحج
بها وبين أن
يتزوجها على
حجة فأوجب في
الأول مهر
المثل وفي
الثاني قيمة
حجة وسط (
البحر الرائق:
3/157 ) As for the details of mahrul
mithl, we quote below a passage from Bahishti Zewar that discusses the
issue: Mahrul Mithl
- Women of the girl's father's family refer to
the girl's sisters, paternal aunts, cousins (children of paternal uncles), etc.
In other words, girls or women who are connected to her
paternal grandmother. When determining the mahrul
mithl, the mahr of the
mother is not considered. However, if her mother is also of the same family as
that of her father's, e.g. if her father marries his cousin (paternal uncle's
daughter), the mother's mahr will also be regarded as
mahrul mithl. (Bahishti Zewar: pg 316) And
Allah Ta'ala knows best Mufti Faizal Riza Darul Ifta
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