Question: 1. What
is the difference between an Mu'min
and a Muslim? 2.Toothpaste - Are
there any ingredients in the toothpaste which we must check for before using
the toothpaste? Does the rule of haraam and halaal also apply to toothpaste as well? 3.I
heard some Shaykh in our area saying that it is
permissible to look at women at times of need without any desire?Is
this correct? 4. Where
exactly are the seven heavens and the seven earth? We
have heard it quite often and do believe in it but would like to know more in
detail. Answer: بِسْمِ
الرَّحِيْم In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most
Merciful. 1) A Mu’min is one who
affirms Iman. A Muslim is one who affirms Islam. To
understand the difference between Iman and Islam,
please see Ma’ariful Quran: vol. 8 pg. 148. You
can download Ma’ariful
Quran from here. 2) Yes, the rule of halal and haram applies to
toothpastes too. You should enquire from the manufacturer if any animal sourced
ingredient is used in it. If they say no, then you may use it. Otherwise, do
not use it. 3) It is makrooh and sinful
to look at young women without lust. As for looking with lust, it is haram. The above applies to looking at the face and palms of
a woman. As for looking at the other body parts, it is haram to do so
regardless of whether or not one looks with lust. Yes, if there is a genuine
need to look at a specific body part – such as a doctor needing to look
at a specific body part to diagnose the illness – then it is permissible. في الدر
المختار: (و)
ينظر (من
الأجنبية) ولو
كافرة مجتبى
(إلى وجهها
وكفيها فقط)
للضرورة .... (فإن
خاف الشهوة)
أو شك (امتنع
نظره إلى
وجهها) فحلّ
النظر مقيد
بعدم الشهوة
وإلا فحرام
وهذا في
زمانهم، وأما
في زماننا
فمنع من
وغيره. وفي
الشامي: (قوله
مقيد بعدم
الشهوة) قال
في التتارخانية،
وفي شرح
الكرخي النظر
إلى وجه الأجنبية
الحرة ليس
بحرام، ولكنه
يكره لغير حاجة
اهـ وظاهره
الكراهة ولو
بلا شهوة
(قوله وإلا
فحرام) أي إن
كان عن شهوة
حرم (قوله وأما
في زماننا
فمنع من
الشابة) لا
لأنه عورة بل لخوف
الفتنة كما
قدمه في شروط
الصلاة ( رد
المحتار: 9/ 610 ط
دار المعرفة ) 4) Due to
the theoretical nature of this question and due to the many questions we have
pending, we are unable to answer it at this time. Accept our apologies for
this. And
Allah Ta'ala knows best Mufti Faizal Riza Darul Ifta
Australia |
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