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Aqidah (belief)
Saying "I'm not a Muslim" in anger or sarcastically
Do I have to repeat shahada
difference between creed and jurisprudence
variant readings of the Quran
calling someone a dweller of jannah; reverence for the sahaba
a non-baligh child utters words of kufr
saying bad things about Allah Ta'ala in anger
A Muslim said to a non-Muslim "I will accept your religion if it is better than mine"
status of iman of Shia Imamiya and praying behind them
milad in chakwal
questions in the grave
Shias beliefs
Barelwi beliefs
ya ahlal quboor
is milad part of islam
Tahara (purity)
White residue on underwear
discharge from the eyes
khuffs leather socks on top or below regular socks
How to purify a bowl
Dry cleaning; Dog's body pure
rinsing the mouth before ghusl
baby urinated wrapped in towel
wasaawis about passing wind
diving in sea water or swimming pool for wudu
conditions for socks to wipe on
uncontrollable passing of wind problem; rules of a madhoor / mazoor (excused person)
What factors invalidate wiping on leather socks
Dry cleaning and coin operated washing machines
Purifying impure tank water and various other tahara related questions
Did the bed and car seat become impure in this case?
does oil on the skin prevent wudu and ghusl; touching impure substance with oily hand; does mopping the floor purify it?
mazi; spot in underwear; sleeping on impure bed
how to purify mobile phone screen and other smooth surfaces; is there need to wash hands while washing clothes by hand; how does the ground become pure
mazi on tip of private part; absorbing mazi with tissue; purifying area around burst pimple
smell does not go away after istinja
Is nasal mucous pure?
do one's clothes become impure if a non-Muslim washes them
cleaning the urine of child with only tissue then putting her in bath tub
is ghusl compulsory immediately after sexual relationship
washing dense beard in wudu
does swearing break wudu
method of istinja
mazi, wadi, wetness on clothes
discharge from her genitals
discharge of semen
washing neck in salat
purifying carpet
touching without wudu: quran translation, tafseer, fiqh book
masah on regular socks
wudu affected by washing children
forgot rinsing mouth in ghusl
baby vomiting milk
wudu for reading quran from computer
washing private part in ghusl
washing the hands at end of wudu
not washing after urinating
tayammum due to sickness
ghusl when food particle in teeth
sperm after ghusl
ghusl with tooth filling
uncovering head affecting wudu
saliva and body of dogs
washing clothes in washing machine
SealSkinz socks
seeing white in underwear
touching and hugging ones wife
leaking urine problem
wudu with nose ring
used panty liner pad in washing machine
reading duas without wudu
mazi leakage problem
wudu breaking due to wearing singlet
kalima tayyiba 70 thousand times without wudu
smelly borewell water
how to purify impure bath tub
Salat (prayer)
qadha of salat due to incorrect ghusl
Imam did not have wudu
fidyah for salat on behalf of deceased
Method of raising and lowering index finger in tashahhud
Praying before azan time
Jumah in musalla without daily prayers
Offering salat with ishara
Hand placement in azan
Saying "oh", "uff" in salat; minimum level of reciting in salat
praying salat without ghusl
offering salah on a stained carpet
traveller arrived at destination for 10 days then changed travel plan
hanafi offering salat behind a shafi in taraweeh who reads from a copy of Quran
praying seated without excuse
salat by worker in aged care home
Ghusl after haidh at work
giving azan at home then at masjid
taking children to the masjid, bringing children indoors during sunset
offering salat in nightie; wearing nightie in front of father and brothers
Nafl salat after Witr salat
doing qada of nafl and sunnah salats; correct time of tahiyyatul wudu; combining tahiyyatul wudu with other salats
wearing a topi (hat) in salat, is it sunnah or a mere tradition
Should one leave Sunnah Mu'akkadah salats in order to perform qada salats?
Various questions on salat and purity
Does pulling up one's pants in salat break the salat? What is definition of amal katheer?
qada of salats missed before first ejaculation; When to offer qada salats; doing qada of salats missed in journey at home
perplexed about istikhara
Qada Umri
Qadha of Salah missed while traveling
laziness in offering salat; not punctual in offering salat
ladies praying in congregation (jamat)
additions after salam
salat on a chair
surah in qadha salat
second jamat in masjid
qaza or nawafil better
Juma in a musalla
duration of salat
walk or drive to masjid
sajda shukr and tawba
offering sajda with gesture
forgot surah fatiha in fard
istikhara its reality
salat bareheaded
end of fajr time
second jamat 2
hearing ayat sajda from non baligh
imam who says taking interest is ok in Fiji
Imam didn't take muqtadi's luqmah
salat on plane
end time for isha
Dua after Janaza prayer
Offering Juma at work
salat on plane
masnoon qira'ah
two rak'ats before maghrib
doubt about validity of previous prayers
sajdah tilawah
maghrib and isha times
non baligh imam
offering sunnat of fajr when jamat is going on
combining two salats due to rain
ishraq prayer time
changing intention after takbeer tahreema
15 year old leading salat
musafir praying behind a muqeem
reading another surah in the place of surah fatiha by mistake
mixing verses of the quran in salat
making dua in salat in another language, making dua in sajdah
salat on a bed, sajdah on thick blanket, reading quran with people sleeping on beds
saying alhamdulillah after sneezing in salat
child with impure clothes sits on a person praying
raising one's hands before or after doing ruku' in salat (raf'ul yadain)
ghaib janaza
cannot pray sitting on floor
fajr and isha timings
method of witr prayer
did not offer witr prayer
Istikhara, its indications
how to make up for missed prayers | qada of salat
praying behind imam who trims or shaves beard; importance of beard
doing istikhara on behalf of someone else
taking children to masjid; talking in masjid
Zakat & Sadaqa (charity)
giving zakat money to a school
paying zakat money to bank
giving zakat to uncle who owes money to ones father
Zakat on mudarabah
zakat on fixed deposit
giving sadaqatul fitr to masjid on day of eid
Sadaqa al-fitr (fitrana): on whom is it compulsory; what amount has to be paid; when should it be paid; can it be given to multiple people
Is zakat equivalent to tax?
Zakat anniversary is in Safar but he pays it in Ramadan
Giving money with the intention of nafl sadaqa not zakat
zakat on extra dinner plates; giving zakat to needy Muslims of Syria
Who is eligible to receive sadaqatul fitr (fitrana)?
which nisab to follow if someone only has gold and no silver etc.
Who has to pay zakat on borrowed money, the borrower or the lender? And how will zakat be paid on it?
zakat calculation question from a retail company
zakat on money saved for an operation
buying car from auction for resale and paying zakat on it
zakat on superannuation
zakat on car bought for resale
paying zakat in advance
zakat on funds of trusts
giving zakat to sayid
zakat for previous years
zakat intention after giving
can't remember zakat day
collecting fitrana zakat and donation on eid day
zakat on jewellery for personal use
Zakāh on property purchased for a shop
calculating zakat on jewellery
zakat to crippled man accused of immoral conduct
giving sadaqa to one's siblings
tax deductible receipt for zakat
zakat to non-muslims during flood in Fiji
giving zakat to family member
zakat if in debt
giving zakat more than calculated amount
how to calculate zakat
zakat on lost jewellery
Sawm (fasting)
giving fidya of fasting in advance
constantly feeling food particle in mouth during fasts
kaffarah for breaking fast of Ramadan
injection in knee when fasting
Vowed to fast for a month then is unable to do so
doing blood test while fasting
vomiting while fasting
unable to fast in Ramadan due to sickness
doing qada fast
eid based on calculations
shawwal and qada fast together
12 days of fasting in Shawwal
qada and kaffara of fasts
taking pain killer while fasting
using eye drops when fasting
using toothpaste and miswak while fasting
taking pills in Ramadan to stop menstruation
paying fidya for fasts
fasting on Fridays alone
Hajj & Umrah (pilgrimage)
Performing Umrah during the days of Hajj
Removing Ihram before trimming hair
Menses in Umrah
did two umrahs without cutting hair after the first one
securing tissue on private part in ihram
Entering ihram during haidh; experiencing white discharge during tawaf and saee
stoning jamarat on the 11th and 12 Zul Hijjah before zawal
mother entering Makkah without ihram
Is it a condition for hajj to have done qada of all salats
Jum'ah in Mina, Arafaat and Muzdalifa
umrah whenever go to Makkah
Mina and Muzdalifa not part of Makkah
Business & Finance
Girl working in a clothing store
Getting paid by insurance company
Selling something with finance owing
Job related to wine company
Which currency conversation rate to use when repaying loan
Royalty Earning - selling books on Amazon
Writing fake reviews for payment
Repaying loan in a different currency
Job inviting people to events where alcohol is served
Selling an item without paying it off
brokering by deception
taking difference as service charge
doing business during computer analysis
cannot locate owner of money
working in non-halal chicken plant to check health of chicken
Loyalty Rewards
income of airline cabin crew
Christmas gift card from work
selling something in installments; rules for collateral
Importing and selling pork and other haram meats
Can interest money be used for personal use?
Signing on an agreement of interest for someone else
Borrowing money from bank on a fixed rate
Pharmacist selling medicine with haram ingredients
leasing property to non-Muslim who will sell pork and liquor; to church groups and to betting gambling business
paying hospital bill with interest money
buying a toyota car on finance with 0% comparison rate
doing survey on buying pork
who should interest money be given to
ultrasound technician
selling cameras etc
selling ladies jeans and undergarments
using interest for public welfare projects
buying things in muharram
designing billboards etc
trading in currencies
taking interest loan to buy house
making pizza dough for haram food
insurance made compulsory by employer
working in IT field in insurance company
employing female staff
house and car insurance
taking money for teaching Quran
wife spending from joint account
spending from joint account
Naming shop with Islamic name
Parenting Payment
Amlak of MCCA
Ambulance Membership
public liability insurance
buying shares
public liability insurance legal requirement
using credit card
Insurance and RACV roadside assistance
working at KFC
business under wife's name
baby bonus payment
two prices for an item
customer said keep the change
getting interest to give to poor
MCCA Income Fund
working in a bank
musharaka cars were stolen inspite of security guard
penny auction or bidding fee auction
working in Coke and beer bottling company
superannuation management business
car salesman buying customers old cars
pharmicist selling contraception pills
carsalesman assisting in riba
selling company's cars and keeping profit
artificial fingernail business
buying insurance policy for masjid | buying carpet with insurance money
selling cigarettes
female teaching in university
workers timing issue
EFSOL home finance
Retaining the security deposit for breaking the contract
Nikah (marriage)
wife's living arrangement and maintenance
IVF and Conditional Marriage
IVF with donor eggs
status of nikah if wife becomes murtad
Who will the baby be attributed to
marrying woman after commiting zina with her and impregnating her
doing nikah without permission of wali and without registering
woman travelling with her minor children and brother in-law and his family
marrying your brother's foster sister
The Mahr in Nikah was stipulated that husband will take wife to Hajj
making Allah and the Prophet witnesses and doing nikah
her wali have permission of nikah after the nikah
nikah with married woman
anal sex
nikah in the masjid
nikah fasid
equal love among wives
zina after marriage
nikah with sister in-law
obstinate husband
husband not giving mahr
wife committed zina
intercourse before rukhsati
nikah over phone
nikah on skype
marriage in Safar
tension between wife and her mother in-law
looking after one's parents in-law
potential father inlaw seeing face
step mother's children
white wedding dress & wedding rings
foster relationship through breast milk
abortion in 5th month of pregnancy
Abortion in case of expected birth of deaf child
wife not happy due to mother
wazeefas for removing friction between husband and wife and creating love between them
proper upbringing of children
nikah does not terminate due to abstaining from sexual relationship
maximum period of suckling child
advising wife and dua to have children
nikah via agent (wakeel / proxy)
husband spending on parents instead of family
second wife facing problems
oral sex and masturbating spouse
foster relationship by drinking grandmother's milk
is feast on occasion of nikah considered walimah
distribution of nights between two wives
potential couple meeting together without presence of mahram
Talaq (divorce)
Husband said "I have left you"
Divorcing an irreligious wife
Talaq in future tense and husband explaining rules of talaq
Intercourse after 3 talaqs due to wrong fatwa
husband said "I'm giving you talaq" and "You are haram on me"
in anger husband said talaq three times during wife's menses
He said three times You are divorced
Husband said I was just about to say one talaq, bring me a man who would marry you then I'll divorce you etc
Before consummating marriage husband said thrice I'm divorcing you
Husband said You're haram on me multiple times
saying and writing words of talaq without intention of talaq
Husband said to wife in anger: You're better without me, my mother does not want you, just leave me, you're free now. Talaq.
Husband said "Just after 15 days of marriage, I left (or separated from) my wife, went to earn to the Middle East and supported the family for many years"
gift due to a wife upon divorce
divorce before consummation
interacting with ex-wife
wrote only T for talaq
husband whispered talaq
talaq mu'allaq
divorce through text message
husband gave 3 divorces in wife's menses
wife divorced while overseas
said divorce statement to scare her
Food & Drink
Kefir Milk
Shark meat
chips cooked in oil with calamari or non-halal chicken
advertising restaurant that sells alcohol and accepting food from it
Is meat of kangaroo and wallaby halal?
Are cheeses and yeast-containing breads halal?
Bundaberg Ginger Beer
eating prasad
eating a cow that was given wine to drink
alcohol in soft drinks
alcohol in dietary mixture
eating christmas food
eating prawns
eating crabs and squid
eating crows
crabs, lobsters and prawns
natural colours and flavours
horse meat
meat of turkey and shark
food essence
alcohol in herbal tea
eating testicles of animals
cottonseed oil
food essence with alochol, pig leather shoes
drinking kava
Eating while standing
oyster sauce and worcestershire sauce
vegetarian food cooked and served by non-Muslims
alcohol in coke and pepsi
eating animal tripe (stomach)
eating mussel
is kosher meat halal
eating eels
Qurbani, Aqeeqa & Slaughtering Animals
Giving Money to an Organisation for Qurbani
What should one do with his qurbani meat?
Qurbani of sheep that has its tail removed
name giving ceremony
fundraising with qurbani meat
mechanical slaughter & stunning
tasmiya not by slaughterer
Weighing Qurbani meat
Qurbani of wild animals
one Qurbani on behalf of multiple people
leaving tasmiya intentionally
eating doubtful chicken
giving qurbani meat to non-muslims
Early Aqeeqah and repetition
Death & Burial
Distance janazah salat
Which duas to recite for one's deceased relatives?
5 questions about janaza
re washing body of deceased
various questions about burial, janazah and graveyards
salatul janaza method
attending non-muslim's funeral
dua for deceased mother
Gifting property
Inheritance for mother, father and sister
beneficiaries for super and bank account
inheritance of wife, 3 daughters, a brother and a sister
making a will against the rules of Shariah
giving wealth to children during lifetime; brothers not giving inheritance share to sister
inheritance 1
inheritance 2
inheritance 3
inheritance 4
inheritance 5
inheritance of ancestral property
will heirs inherit this house
woman appointing executor
inheritance 6
Women's Issue
periorbital hyperpigmentation
Women trimming hair
Doing plastic surgery to remove excess skin; Going for Umrah without mahram
Removing moles from the body
eyelash lift and tint; eyebrow tint
breastfeeding in janabah 2
abortion after 3 c-sections
abandoning niqab due to dirty looks of people
Can husband attend wife's delivery of baby? Some guidelines for giving birth in a hospital
Getting someone else to remove hair from one's arms and legs
Using carmine externally
During pregnancy, is it permissible to expose one's awrah to doctor for regular check-ups?
is a man's uncle a mahram of his wife
how much of her body can a woman expose in front of her husband and mahram
Can a woman address her husband with his name
bleeding from private part
menstruating at end of salat time
using tampons during menses
woman waxing her arms and legs
removing hair between eyebrows and top of lip
removing hair for women
using honey and avocado on face
women travelling without a mahram
covering face infront of non-mahrams
face, hands and feet
single woman shaving her legs and arms
breastfeeding in state of janaba
menstruation stops before habit
misc women's issues
shower naked with spouse
women's voice awrah
can a woman ride bicycle
body massage for women
wigs and hair extensions
piercing eyebrow and belly
widow and young daughter visiting grave
wearing saree
woman in iddah attending wedding
why women can't cut their hair; who names the child
dressing attractively for husband inside the house
Dream interpretation
Dream: inside a building during storm and darkness
dream: travelling to Makkah by car
Private health insurance for tax purposes
OCD therapy involving lying to oneself
Singing Hallelujah
Took someone's item before becoming Muslim
Dua for stopping parents from fighting
Dolls and teddy bears
Deception in resume
Respecting parents in difficult situations
Lying about not owning the house due to fear of evil eye and envy
Reciting durood during khutbah
stole money and properties and forgot the owners
spending on mum without informing wife
spitting inside the toilet
lamentation of Shaytan
private health insurance and medicare levy
Centrelink Family Tax Benefit payment
Definition of beard and how much of it can be trimmed
Naming ones child Deen
hadith leave hot food to cool it has no blessing
father's responsibility towards daughters
swearing on the Quran
blowing on water after reciting
surgery due to bent nose and dorsal hump
Keeping a dog for protection of property from robbers
Why Muslims don't drink alcohol when they believe in Prophet Isa (A.S.)
watching fireworks on new-years eve
How punctual does one have to be to be counted as punctual on a particular deed?
Explanation of hadith about being kind to unkind relatives
When leaving a gathering is it sunnah to say salam or to make musafaha?
sunnah hair and lower garment
Will a person be questioned about sins he repented from?
Trimming beard to make it even on all sides
Dying hair with black colour is not permissible; other colours are permissible
dua to create love between one's parents
stopping others from evil
looking at women without lust and desire
removing hair from upper lip for a woman
can one become alim without permission of parents
Was Surah Mulk in the Torah?
chatting with a girl
buying and using perfume that contains alcohol
someone left their calculator in exam room
making pictures and sculptures of inanimate objects
darud presented in 10 format
Taking Allah's name inside the toilet and bathroom; children touching Quran without wudu; muqtadi renew wudu
dua for a disobedient or violent child
waswasa of kufr
saying or writing only salam in the place of assalamu alaikum
trimming beard shorter than fist size: is it major sin or minor
level of jannah raised due to others
using perfume with denatured alcohol in it; zakat on sterling silver
jokingly saying words of kufr
doing to a non-Muslim wedding
Saying merry christmas, happy diwali, happy new year
cosmetic surgery
red clothes for men
gold and silver utensils
Honour Killing
leaving children with kafir grandparents
otoplasty surgery
circumsicion for adult
oath on mother's name
recreational fishing
Quran ring tone
significance of Thursday nights
gastroplasty surgery
desexing rabbit
reading Quran on computer
any dance sunnah
wearing English clothes
perfume with alcohol
dying beard brown
dua for sick
taking photos and vidoes
dua for sensitive children
ruling of keeping beard
RA for Yazid Ibn Muwaiyah
oath by nodding head
name pet muslim name
watching tv
beef gelatine capsules
plucking between joined eyebrows
Giving Quran to non-muslim
removing stray hair from face
size of beard from all sides
illegal car racing
hadith about beard
April's fool and Halloween
names Haris Nabeel Hashim
name Jibreel
income from wife's fate
esaal sawab to the living
is snoring sunnah?
imam mahdi in 2014
emailing non-mahram boys
dua to improve eyesight
keeping dog for security purpose
are pigeons bad luck
women visiting graveyard
male doctor treating female patient
finger rings and other jewellery
vomitting and spitting in the toilet
coloured contact lenses
drinking from chipped portion of glass
laser eye surgery
clothes from fake fur of animals
alcohol and glycerine in lotion and soap
devilish name of school gathering
cartoons without music
male names mahad etc
temporary tattoo
OCD and whisperings of shaytan
carmine lipstick
Use of products that contain animal fat
harassment of Muslim women
false oath
had a bad dream etc
upper teeth of baby coming before lower teeth
mother causing problems
vow of giving phone to masjid
technology in jannah
wearing blue turban
itikaf place
black magic
nails lying around the house
wearing jeans and denim
was the siwaak of the Prophet used by his wives
migrating to a non-Muslim country
sending children to public schools
celebrating birthday of the Prophet
Plastic Surgery
hijab from adopted daughter
permissible and impermissible clothes for men
replying to someone's salam
Names Hasan and Hassaan
pious children are sadaqa jariya for parents
children don't listen to parents
dying hair black
attaining jannatul firdaus
disposing unusable tafseer book and other Islamic literature
Australian citizenship pledge or oath
dua for naughty children
bowing before the king or others
dua for stopping fights between parents
Muqatta'aat as Zikr
Work hours
Sunnats of the day of Eid ul-Fitr
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Ask a Question
Browse Answers
Aqidah (belief)
Saying "I'm not a Muslim" in anger or sarcastically
Do I have to repeat shahada
difference between creed and jurisprudence
variant readings of the Quran
calling someone a dweller of jannah; reverence for the sahaba
a non-baligh child utters words of kufr
saying bad things about Allah Ta'ala in anger
A Muslim said to a non-Muslim "I will accept your religion if it is better than mine"
status of iman of Shia Imamiya and praying behind them
milad in chakwal
questions in the grave
Shias beliefs
Barelwi beliefs
ya ahlal quboor
is milad part of islam
Tahara (purity)
White residue on underwear
discharge from the eyes
khuffs leather socks on top or below regular socks
How to purify a bowl
Dry cleaning; Dog's body pure
rinsing the mouth before ghusl
baby urinated wrapped in towel
wasaawis about passing wind
diving in sea water or swimming pool for wudu
conditions for socks to wipe on
uncontrollable passing of wind problem; rules of a madhoor / mazoor (excused person)
What factors invalidate wiping on leather socks
Dry cleaning and coin operated washing machines
Purifying impure tank water and various other tahara related questions
Did the bed and car seat become impure in this case?
does oil on the skin prevent wudu and ghusl; touching impure substance with oily hand; does mopping the floor purify it?
mazi; spot in underwear; sleeping on impure bed
how to purify mobile phone screen and other smooth surfaces; is there need to wash hands while washing clothes by hand; how does the ground become pure
mazi on tip of private part; absorbing mazi with tissue; purifying area around burst pimple
smell does not go away after istinja
Is nasal mucous pure?
do one's clothes become impure if a non-Muslim washes them
cleaning the urine of child with only tissue then putting her in bath tub
is ghusl compulsory immediately after sexual relationship
washing dense beard in wudu
does swearing break wudu
method of istinja
mazi, wadi, wetness on clothes
discharge from her genitals
discharge of semen
washing neck in salat
purifying carpet
touching without wudu: quran translation, tafseer, fiqh book
masah on regular socks
wudu affected by washing children
forgot rinsing mouth in ghusl
baby vomiting milk
wudu for reading quran from computer
washing private part in ghusl
washing the hands at end of wudu
not washing after urinating
tayammum due to sickness
ghusl when food particle in teeth
sperm after ghusl
ghusl with tooth filling
uncovering head affecting wudu
saliva and body of dogs
washing clothes in washing machine
SealSkinz socks
seeing white in underwear
touching and hugging ones wife
leaking urine problem
wudu with nose ring
used panty liner pad in washing machine
reading duas without wudu
mazi leakage problem
wudu breaking due to wearing singlet
kalima tayyiba 70 thousand times without wudu
smelly borewell water
how to purify impure bath tub
Salat (prayer)
qadha of salat due to incorrect ghusl
Imam did not have wudu
fidyah for salat on behalf of deceased
Method of raising and lowering index finger in tashahhud
Praying before azan time
Jumah in musalla without daily prayers
Offering salat with ishara
Hand placement in azan
Saying "oh", "uff" in salat; minimum level of reciting in salat
praying salat without ghusl
offering salah on a stained carpet
traveller arrived at destination for 10 days then changed travel plan
hanafi offering salat behind a shafi in taraweeh who reads from a copy of Quran
praying seated without excuse
salat by worker in aged care home
Ghusl after haidh at work
giving azan at home then at masjid
taking children to the masjid, bringing children indoors during sunset
offering salat in nightie; wearing nightie in front of father and brothers
Nafl salat after Witr salat
doing qada of nafl and sunnah salats; correct time of tahiyyatul wudu; combining tahiyyatul wudu with other salats
wearing a topi (hat) in salat, is it sunnah or a mere tradition
Should one leave Sunnah Mu'akkadah salats in order to perform qada salats?
Various questions on salat and purity
Does pulling up one's pants in salat break the salat? What is definition of amal katheer?
qada of salats missed before first ejaculation; When to offer qada salats; doing qada of salats missed in journey at home
perplexed about istikhara
Qada Umri
Qadha of Salah missed while traveling
laziness in offering salat; not punctual in offering salat
ladies praying in congregation (jamat)
additions after salam
salat on a chair
surah in qadha salat
second jamat in masjid
qaza or nawafil better
Juma in a musalla
duration of salat
walk or drive to masjid
sajda shukr and tawba
offering sajda with gesture
forgot surah fatiha in fard
istikhara its reality
salat bareheaded
end of fajr time
second jamat 2
hearing ayat sajda from non baligh
imam who says taking interest is ok in Fiji
Imam didn't take muqtadi's luqmah
salat on plane
end time for isha
Dua after Janaza prayer
Offering Juma at work
salat on plane
masnoon qira'ah
two rak'ats before maghrib
doubt about validity of previous prayers
sajdah tilawah
maghrib and isha times
non baligh imam
offering sunnat of fajr when jamat is going on
combining two salats due to rain
ishraq prayer time
changing intention after takbeer tahreema
15 year old leading salat
musafir praying behind a muqeem
reading another surah in the place of surah fatiha by mistake
mixing verses of the quran in salat
making dua in salat in another language, making dua in sajdah
salat on a bed, sajdah on thick blanket, reading quran with people sleeping on beds
saying alhamdulillah after sneezing in salat
child with impure clothes sits on a person praying
raising one's hands before or after doing ruku' in salat (raf'ul yadain)
ghaib janaza
cannot pray sitting on floor
fajr and isha timings
method of witr prayer
did not offer witr prayer
Istikhara, its indications
how to make up for missed prayers | qada of salat
praying behind imam who trims or shaves beard; importance of beard
doing istikhara on behalf of someone else
taking children to masjid; talking in masjid
Zakat & Sadaqa (charity)
giving zakat money to a school
paying zakat money to bank
giving zakat to uncle who owes money to ones father
Zakat on mudarabah
zakat on fixed deposit
giving sadaqatul fitr to masjid on day of eid
Sadaqa al-fitr (fitrana): on whom is it compulsory; what amount has to be paid; when should it be paid; can it be given to multiple people
Is zakat equivalent to tax?
Zakat anniversary is in Safar but he pays it in Ramadan
Giving money with the intention of nafl sadaqa not zakat
zakat on extra dinner plates; giving zakat to needy Muslims of Syria
Who is eligible to receive sadaqatul fitr (fitrana)?
which nisab to follow if someone only has gold and no silver etc.
Who has to pay zakat on borrowed money, the borrower or the lender? And how will zakat be paid on it?
zakat calculation question from a retail company
zakat on money saved for an operation
buying car from auction for resale and paying zakat on it
zakat on superannuation
zakat on car bought for resale
paying zakat in advance
zakat on funds of trusts
giving zakat to sayid
zakat for previous years
zakat intention after giving
can't remember zakat day
collecting fitrana zakat and donation on eid day
zakat on jewellery for personal use
Zakāh on property purchased for a shop
calculating zakat on jewellery
zakat to crippled man accused of immoral conduct
giving sadaqa to one's siblings
tax deductible receipt for zakat
zakat to non-muslims during flood in Fiji
giving zakat to family member
zakat if in debt
giving zakat more than calculated amount
how to calculate zakat
zakat on lost jewellery
Sawm (fasting)
giving fidya of fasting in advance
constantly feeling food particle in mouth during fasts
kaffarah for breaking fast of Ramadan
injection in knee when fasting
Vowed to fast for a month then is unable to do so
doing blood test while fasting
vomiting while fasting
unable to fast in Ramadan due to sickness
doing qada fast
eid based on calculations
shawwal and qada fast together
12 days of fasting in Shawwal
qada and kaffara of fasts
taking pain killer while fasting
using eye drops when fasting
using toothpaste and miswak while fasting
taking pills in Ramadan to stop menstruation
paying fidya for fasts
fasting on Fridays alone
Hajj & Umrah (pilgrimage)
Performing Umrah during the days of Hajj
Removing Ihram before trimming hair
Menses in Umrah
did two umrahs without cutting hair after the first one
securing tissue on private part in ihram
Entering ihram during haidh; experiencing white discharge during tawaf and saee
stoning jamarat on the 11th and 12 Zul Hijjah before zawal
mother entering Makkah without ihram
Is it a condition for hajj to have done qada of all salats
Jum'ah in Mina, Arafaat and Muzdalifa
umrah whenever go to Makkah
Mina and Muzdalifa not part of Makkah
Business & Finance
Girl working in a clothing store
Getting paid by insurance company
Selling something with finance owing
Job related to wine company
Which currency conversation rate to use when repaying loan
Royalty Earning - selling books on Amazon
Writing fake reviews for payment
Repaying loan in a different currency
Job inviting people to events where alcohol is served
Selling an item without paying it off
brokering by deception
taking difference as service charge
doing business during computer analysis
cannot locate owner of money
working in non-halal chicken plant to check health of chicken
Loyalty Rewards
income of airline cabin crew
Christmas gift card from work
selling something in installments; rules for collateral
Importing and selling pork and other haram meats
Can interest money be used for personal use?
Signing on an agreement of interest for someone else
Borrowing money from bank on a fixed rate
Pharmacist selling medicine with haram ingredients
leasing property to non-Muslim who will sell pork and liquor; to church groups and to betting gambling business
paying hospital bill with interest money
buying a toyota car on finance with 0% comparison rate
doing survey on buying pork
who should interest money be given to
ultrasound technician
selling cameras etc
selling ladies jeans and undergarments
using interest for public welfare projects
buying things in muharram
designing billboards etc
trading in currencies
taking interest loan to buy house
making pizza dough for haram food
insurance made compulsory by employer
working in IT field in insurance company
employing female staff
house and car insurance
taking money for teaching Quran
wife spending from joint account
spending from joint account
Naming shop with Islamic name
Parenting Payment
Amlak of MCCA
Ambulance Membership
public liability insurance
buying shares
public liability insurance legal requirement
using credit card
Insurance and RACV roadside assistance
working at KFC
business under wife's name
baby bonus payment
two prices for an item
customer said keep the change
getting interest to give to poor
MCCA Income Fund
working in a bank
musharaka cars were stolen inspite of security guard
penny auction or bidding fee auction
working in Coke and beer bottling company
superannuation management business
car salesman buying customers old cars
pharmicist selling contraception pills
carsalesman assisting in riba
selling company's cars and keeping profit
artificial fingernail business
buying insurance policy for masjid | buying carpet with insurance money
selling cigarettes
female teaching in university
workers timing issue
EFSOL home finance
Retaining the security deposit for breaking the contract
Nikah (marriage)
wife's living arrangement and maintenance
IVF and Conditional Marriage
IVF with donor eggs
status of nikah if wife becomes murtad
Who will the baby be attributed to
marrying woman after commiting zina with her and impregnating her
doing nikah without permission of wali and without registering
woman travelling with her minor children and brother in-law and his family
marrying your brother's foster sister
The Mahr in Nikah was stipulated that husband will take wife to Hajj
making Allah and the Prophet witnesses and doing nikah
her wali have permission of nikah after the nikah
nikah with married woman
anal sex
nikah in the masjid
nikah fasid
equal love among wives
zina after marriage
nikah with sister in-law
obstinate husband
husband not giving mahr
wife committed zina
intercourse before rukhsati
nikah over phone
nikah on skype
marriage in Safar
tension between wife and her mother in-law
looking after one's parents in-law
potential father inlaw seeing face
step mother's children
white wedding dress & wedding rings
foster relationship through breast milk
abortion in 5th month of pregnancy
Abortion in case of expected birth of deaf child
wife not happy due to mother
wazeefas for removing friction between husband and wife and creating love between them
proper upbringing of children
nikah does not terminate due to abstaining from sexual relationship
maximum period of suckling child
advising wife and dua to have children
nikah via agent (wakeel / proxy)
husband spending on parents instead of family
second wife facing problems
oral sex and masturbating spouse
foster relationship by drinking grandmother's milk
is feast on occasion of nikah considered walimah
distribution of nights between two wives
potential couple meeting together without presence of mahram
Talaq (divorce)
Husband said "I have left you"
Divorcing an irreligious wife
Talaq in future tense and husband explaining rules of talaq
Intercourse after 3 talaqs due to wrong fatwa
husband said "I'm giving you talaq" and "You are haram on me"
in anger husband said talaq three times during wife's menses
He said three times You are divorced
Husband said I was just about to say one talaq, bring me a man who would marry you then I'll divorce you etc
Before consummating marriage husband said thrice I'm divorcing you
Husband said You're haram on me multiple times
saying and writing words of talaq without intention of talaq
Husband said to wife in anger: You're better without me, my mother does not want you, just leave me, you're free now. Talaq.
Husband said "Just after 15 days of marriage, I left (or separated from) my wife, went to earn to the Middle East and supported the family for many years"
gift due to a wife upon divorce
divorce before consummation
interacting with ex-wife
wrote only T for talaq
husband whispered talaq
talaq mu'allaq
divorce through text message
husband gave 3 divorces in wife's menses
wife divorced while overseas
said divorce statement to scare her
Food & Drink
Kefir Milk
Shark meat
chips cooked in oil with calamari or non-halal chicken
advertising restaurant that sells alcohol and accepting food from it
Is meat of kangaroo and wallaby halal?
Are cheeses and yeast-containing breads halal?
Bundaberg Ginger Beer
eating prasad
eating a cow that was given wine to drink
alcohol in soft drinks
alcohol in dietary mixture
eating christmas food
eating prawns
eating crabs and squid
eating crows
crabs, lobsters and prawns
natural colours and flavours
horse meat
meat of turkey and shark
food essence
alcohol in herbal tea
eating testicles of animals
cottonseed oil
food essence with alochol, pig leather shoes
drinking kava
Eating while standing
oyster sauce and worcestershire sauce
vegetarian food cooked and served by non-Muslims
alcohol in coke and pepsi
eating animal tripe (stomach)
eating mussel
is kosher meat halal
eating eels
Qurbani, Aqeeqa & Slaughtering Animals
Giving Money to an Organisation for Qurbani
What should one do with his qurbani meat?
Qurbani of sheep that has its tail removed
name giving ceremony
fundraising with qurbani meat
mechanical slaughter & stunning
tasmiya not by slaughterer
Weighing Qurbani meat
Qurbani of wild animals
one Qurbani on behalf of multiple people
leaving tasmiya intentionally
eating doubtful chicken
giving qurbani meat to non-muslims
Early Aqeeqah and repetition
Death & Burial
Distance janazah salat
Which duas to recite for one's deceased relatives?
5 questions about janaza
re washing body of deceased
various questions about burial, janazah and graveyards
salatul janaza method
attending non-muslim's funeral
dua for deceased mother
Gifting property
Inheritance for mother, father and sister
beneficiaries for super and bank account
inheritance of wife, 3 daughters, a brother and a sister
making a will against the rules of Shariah
giving wealth to children during lifetime; brothers not giving inheritance share to sister
inheritance 1
inheritance 2
inheritance 3
inheritance 4
inheritance 5
inheritance of ancestral property
will heirs inherit this house
woman appointing executor
inheritance 6
Women's Issue
periorbital hyperpigmentation
Women trimming hair
Doing plastic surgery to remove excess skin; Going for Umrah without mahram
Removing moles from the body
eyelash lift and tint; eyebrow tint
breastfeeding in janabah 2
abortion after 3 c-sections
abandoning niqab due to dirty looks of people
Can husband attend wife's delivery of baby? Some guidelines for giving birth in a hospital
Getting someone else to remove hair from one's arms and legs
Using carmine externally
During pregnancy, is it permissible to expose one's awrah to doctor for regular check-ups?
is a man's uncle a mahram of his wife
how much of her body can a woman expose in front of her husband and mahram
Can a woman address her husband with his name
bleeding from private part
menstruating at end of salat time
using tampons during menses
woman waxing her arms and legs
removing hair between eyebrows and top of lip
removing hair for women
using honey and avocado on face
women travelling without a mahram
covering face infront of non-mahrams
face, hands and feet
single woman shaving her legs and arms
breastfeeding in state of janaba
menstruation stops before habit
misc women's issues
shower naked with spouse
women's voice awrah
can a woman ride bicycle
body massage for women
wigs and hair extensions
piercing eyebrow and belly
widow and young daughter visiting grave
wearing saree
woman in iddah attending wedding
why women can't cut their hair; who names the child
dressing attractively for husband inside the house
Dream interpretation
Dream: inside a building during storm and darkness
dream: travelling to Makkah by car
Private health insurance for tax purposes
OCD therapy involving lying to oneself
Singing Hallelujah
Took someone's item before becoming Muslim
Dua for stopping parents from fighting
Dolls and teddy bears
Deception in resume
Respecting parents in difficult situations
Lying about not owning the house due to fear of evil eye and envy
Reciting durood during khutbah
stole money and properties and forgot the owners
spending on mum without informing wife
spitting inside the toilet
lamentation of Shaytan
private health insurance and medicare levy
Centrelink Family Tax Benefit payment
Definition of beard and how much of it can be trimmed
Naming ones child Deen
hadith leave hot food to cool it has no blessing
father's responsibility towards daughters
swearing on the Quran
blowing on water after reciting
surgery due to bent nose and dorsal hump
Keeping a dog for protection of property from robbers
Why Muslims don't drink alcohol when they believe in Prophet Isa (A.S.)
watching fireworks on new-years eve
How punctual does one have to be to be counted as punctual on a particular deed?
Explanation of hadith about being kind to unkind relatives
When leaving a gathering is it sunnah to say salam or to make musafaha?
sunnah hair and lower garment
Will a person be questioned about sins he repented from?
Trimming beard to make it even on all sides
Dying hair with black colour is not permissible; other colours are permissible
dua to create love between one's parents
stopping others from evil
looking at women without lust and desire
removing hair from upper lip for a woman
can one become alim without permission of parents
Was Surah Mulk in the Torah?
chatting with a girl
buying and using perfume that contains alcohol
someone left their calculator in exam room
making pictures and sculptures of inanimate objects
darud presented in 10 format
Taking Allah's name inside the toilet and bathroom; children touching Quran without wudu; muqtadi renew wudu
dua for a disobedient or violent child
waswasa of kufr
saying or writing only salam in the place of assalamu alaikum
trimming beard shorter than fist size: is it major sin or minor
level of jannah raised due to others
using perfume with denatured alcohol in it; zakat on sterling silver
jokingly saying words of kufr
doing to a non-Muslim wedding
Saying merry christmas, happy diwali, happy new year
cosmetic surgery
red clothes for men
gold and silver utensils
Honour Killing
leaving children with kafir grandparents
otoplasty surgery
circumsicion for adult
oath on mother's name
recreational fishing
Quran ring tone
significance of Thursday nights
gastroplasty surgery
desexing rabbit
reading Quran on computer
any dance sunnah
wearing English clothes
perfume with alcohol
dying beard brown
dua for sick
taking photos and vidoes
dua for sensitive children
ruling of keeping beard
RA for Yazid Ibn Muwaiyah
oath by nodding head
name pet muslim name
watching tv
beef gelatine capsules
plucking between joined eyebrows
Giving Quran to non-muslim
removing stray hair from face
size of beard from all sides
illegal car racing
hadith about beard
April's fool and Halloween
names Haris Nabeel Hashim
name Jibreel
income from wife's fate
esaal sawab to the living
is snoring sunnah?
imam mahdi in 2014
emailing non-mahram boys
dua to improve eyesight
keeping dog for security purpose
are pigeons bad luck
women visiting graveyard
male doctor treating female patient
finger rings and other jewellery
vomitting and spitting in the toilet
coloured contact lenses
drinking from chipped portion of glass
laser eye surgery
clothes from fake fur of animals
alcohol and glycerine in lotion and soap
devilish name of school gathering
cartoons without music
male names mahad etc
temporary tattoo
OCD and whisperings of shaytan
carmine lipstick
Use of products that contain animal fat
harassment of Muslim women
false oath
had a bad dream etc
upper teeth of baby coming before lower teeth
mother causing problems
vow of giving phone to masjid
technology in jannah
wearing blue turban
itikaf place
black magic
nails lying around the house
wearing jeans and denim
was the siwaak of the Prophet used by his wives
migrating to a non-Muslim country
sending children to public schools
celebrating birthday of the Prophet
Plastic Surgery
hijab from adopted daughter
permissible and impermissible clothes for men
replying to someone's salam
Names Hasan and Hassaan
pious children are sadaqa jariya for parents
children don't listen to parents
dying hair black
attaining jannatul firdaus
disposing unusable tafseer book and other Islamic literature
Australian citizenship pledge or oath
dua for naughty children
bowing before the king or others
dua for stopping fights between parents
Muqatta'aat as Zikr
Work hours
Sunnats of the day of Eid ul-Fitr
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