Latest Fatwas
Shortened questions:
The medical levy surcharge is a tax imposed if we don’t have private hospital cover. Based on the annual taxable income threshold, the ATO charges a significant amount in the end-of-year tax return. Are we permitted to have such hospital cover?
I have OCD, particularly about excessive handwashing. In therapy, I face my fears by touching something dirty, saying, 'I love how uncomfortable this feels,' and letting the anxiety subside without washing. Will this be considered lying to myself? Therapy has greatly improved my well-being, Alhamdulillah.
My sister’s husband, who has no children or siblings and whose parents have passed away, wants to gift his house to her. Is this permissible? If not, will she inherit all his wealth if he passes before her, or do his paternal uncles and their children have a share?
My husband works abroad, supporting his family but not providing for me, so I work in my home country to meet my needs while managing an illness. He wants me to live with his in-laws, but I prefer to stay in my home country unless he is with me. Am I wrong for this, especially since my sister-in-law suggests I stop working and live with them? What is your advice for us?
When I became baaligh, I didn’t know all the conditions of ghusl. Should I make up prayers from 7.5 years, balance qadhaa with optional prayers, and how do I estimate missed prayers if unsure of the period?
Is it permissible to sing Hallelujah? Though written by a Jew or Christian, its meaning aligns with Alhamdulillah, and the lyrics don’t contradict Islam. I wish to sing it to praise Allah SWT and admire its melody.
I’m a minor wanting a part-time job, and the only option nearby is a clothing shop with no male staff. However, they sell revealing clothes, and I’m unsure if I’d sell them or just assist in the shop. Living in a non-Muslim country, is working there permissible, or is it haram?
I unknowingly led prayers in a state of impurity and later repeated them after learning the imam must do so, while followers are exempt. However, someone claimed both must repeat. Please clarify.
I’m a psychologist working with TAC-approved clients, where payment for sessions is claimed directly from the TAC insurance scheme. Is it permissible to receive payment this way?
Is it haram to sell a free tablet and smartwatch received with an item still being paid for in instalments?
Before becoming Muslim, I took someone's property. I'm not sure if this comes under stealing or taking discarded garbage. Do I have to find the owner and return it to him?
What is the ruling on performing nafl Umrah during the tashriq days? For example, can one perform nafl Umrah on the 13th after stoning on the 12th?
I provide technical support for polymeric products used in civil engineering. Today, I was asked about using one for a winery tank. Would advising on this make my income unlawful?
When a person dies and he has missed some prayers, can the relatives pay sadaqah for compensation and if they can, how much should be paid?
If someone says "I'm not a Muslim" in anger or sarcastically but doesn't mean it, does it affect their iman? What must they do?
When reciting attihiyaat in salat, when should we raise the index finger? One sheikh mentioned that it should be raised from the start of tashahhud till salam.
My parents fight too much. Kindly inform me of duas I can recite for them.
I’m 29, married, and unable to conceive due to chemotherapy. If my husband marries another woman solely to use her eggs, then divorces her, is this permissible in Islam? Would a child conceived this way be legitimate?
Is it allowed to offer salat before the azan time? Will the salat be valid?
I need clarification on repaying a loan I took 20 years ago in dinars. If I repay now in Indian rupees, should I use the 2004 or the 2024 conversion rate?
My husband and I had a fight where he said, "It's difficult to live together like this," and I replied, "Then leave me." He then said twice, "I have left you" (in Urdu), but did not use the word "divorce." Does this count as talaq? Also, I was on my period at the time.
I seek advice on donating to an Islamic charity for Qurbani. If giving Qurbani through a charity is valid, can a donation made now (3 Zul-Qa'dah, 1445) be considered acceptable for Eid al-Adha?
Is earning royalties from selling books on Amazon Kindle halal? After uploading a PDF, Amazon prints and sells it, giving a fixed royalty per sale. I read that having only a 'royalty interest' without asset rights may not be Shariah-compliant. Is this royalty considered halal or interest income?
I find a dry white residue on my underwear and am unsure if it's madhi or fabric fibers, leading me to wash it before most prayers. Sudden intrusive sexual thoughts also add to my stress and waswasa.
Can Jumah prayer be performed at a musallah where daily prayers do not take place, although Taraweeh is offered in Ramadan?
If a man removes his ihram without cutting his hair after Umrah, will he be required to offer a dum? What if someone in ihram leaves the boundaries of the Haram without cutting his hair? Secondly, does the animal sacrifice have to take place within the boundaries of the Haram only?
Is writing paid reviews for different products on websites like RaterPulse halal? For example, if I have never used the products but am getting paid to write reviews. If I mention in the review that I have not personally used the product, will it be halal (permissible) in Islam?
I have questions about the status of a child born through IVF using donor eggs, whether the child is considered illegitimate, a mahram to the couple, and if the parents have committed zina or done something haram by using this method.
During our Umrah trip, my daughter’s menstruation unexpectedly started despite taking medication, leaving her unable to complete her Umrah. With our return flight the next day, we couldn't stay longer. We seek guidance on whether she needs to offer a Dum (sacrifice) for the incomplete Umrah, as she is very distressed.
I'm an 18-year-old Muslim girl struggling with severe dark circles and a nose bump, making me very insecure. I'm considering surgery to address these issues but seek guidance on whether it's permissible in Islam.
Are women allowed to cut their hair if it does not resemble men?
Are kefir grains halal to use for making kefir milk? They have health benefits, but I've been told they naturally produce some alcohol. Were kefir grains used during the time of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ ?
I need to declare the beneficiaries for my super. Could you guide me on the percentages I should allocate to my husband, mother, father and younger sister according to Islamic teachings?
What is the ruling of having dolls, teddy bears and other similar toys in the house?
I have long-COVID with severe fatigue, and current fatwas on prayer adjustments don't fully address my situation. I can stand, sit on a chair, or sit on the floor, but switching positions is the problem. Tilting my head for ruku and sujood triggers POTS symptoms like dizziness and shortness of breath. Can I even pray in a modified position as praying correctly does not cause any acute pain, it only leads to severe fatigue and being bed-ridden at times?
At Hobart masjid, they sometimes conduct distance Janazah Salat for those who have passed away abroad. What is the best course of action for us, considering that not participating might seem inappropriate as we need to perform Talim afterwards?
When giving the adhan, we insert the index fingers into the ears, but some people only raise the right hand or none at all. What is the sunnah and authentic way to make adhan?
I recently graduated with a bachelor's in Software Engineering and, unable to secure an internship, added fake experience to my resume. This led to a call from HR, and after passing the test and interview, I was offered an internship with a stipend. My concerns are whether the stipend, knowledge gained, and future earnings from skills learned would be haram due to the fake experience.
I'm a 29-year-old man, and my mother frequently assigns me time-consuming tasks, especially during prayer times, and gets upset when I prioritize my prayers. Despite financially supporting her, she makes hurtful statements and acts disruptively, particularly during religious observances. This causes me emotional distress and negatively impacts my work. When I've suggested counseling, she ridicules the idea. I'm seeking protection from her harmful prayers and struggling with the resulting negativity.
Can Zakat funds be given to a school with both rich and poor students? Can these funds be used for other school expenses or teachers' salaries? Is Zakat fulfilled when received by the school or when it reaches the poor?
After gastric bypass surgery, I have excess skin and fat that need surgery. Is plastic surgery permissible, and can male doctors perform it if no female doctors are available?
I want to perform Umrah but can't go with my father or older brother. My younger brother is unreliable, and I am unsure if I can go without a mahram. Is it permissible to perform Umrah alone?
I have OCD, particularly about excessive handwashing. In therapy, I face my fears by touching something dirty, saying, 'I love how uncomfortable this feels,' and letting the anxiety subside without washing. Will this be considered lying to myself? Therapy has greatly improved my well-being, Alhamdulillah.
My sister’s husband, who has no children or siblings and whose parents have passed away, wants to gift his house to her. Is this permissible? If not, will she inherit all his wealth if he passes before her, or do his paternal uncles and their children have a share?
My husband works abroad, supporting his family but not providing for me, so I work in my home country to meet my needs while managing an illness. He wants me to live with his in-laws, but I prefer to stay in my home country unless he is with me. Am I wrong for this, especially since my sister-in-law suggests I stop working and live with them? What is your advice for us?
When I became baaligh, I didn’t know all the conditions of ghusl. Should I make up prayers from 7.5 years, balance qadhaa with optional prayers, and how do I estimate missed prayers if unsure of the period?
Is it permissible to sing Hallelujah? Though written by a Jew or Christian, its meaning aligns with Alhamdulillah, and the lyrics don’t contradict Islam. I wish to sing it to praise Allah SWT and admire its melody.
I’m a minor wanting a part-time job, and the only option nearby is a clothing shop with no male staff. However, they sell revealing clothes, and I’m unsure if I’d sell them or just assist in the shop. Living in a non-Muslim country, is working there permissible, or is it haram?
I unknowingly led prayers in a state of impurity and later repeated them after learning the imam must do so, while followers are exempt. However, someone claimed both must repeat. Please clarify.
I’m a psychologist working with TAC-approved clients, where payment for sessions is claimed directly from the TAC insurance scheme. Is it permissible to receive payment this way?
Is it haram to sell a free tablet and smartwatch received with an item still being paid for in instalments?
Before becoming Muslim, I took someone's property. I'm not sure if this comes under stealing or taking discarded garbage. Do I have to find the owner and return it to him?
What is the ruling on performing nafl Umrah during the tashriq days? For example, can one perform nafl Umrah on the 13th after stoning on the 12th?
I provide technical support for polymeric products used in civil engineering. Today, I was asked about using one for a winery tank. Would advising on this make my income unlawful?
When a person dies and he has missed some prayers, can the relatives pay sadaqah for compensation and if they can, how much should be paid?
If someone says "I'm not a Muslim" in anger or sarcastically but doesn't mean it, does it affect their iman? What must they do?
When reciting attihiyaat in salat, when should we raise the index finger? One sheikh mentioned that it should be raised from the start of tashahhud till salam.
My parents fight too much. Kindly inform me of duas I can recite for them.
I’m 29, married, and unable to conceive due to chemotherapy. If my husband marries another woman solely to use her eggs, then divorces her, is this permissible in Islam? Would a child conceived this way be legitimate?
Is it allowed to offer salat before the azan time? Will the salat be valid?
I need clarification on repaying a loan I took 20 years ago in dinars. If I repay now in Indian rupees, should I use the 2004 or the 2024 conversion rate?
My husband and I had a fight where he said, "It's difficult to live together like this," and I replied, "Then leave me." He then said twice, "I have left you" (in Urdu), but did not use the word "divorce." Does this count as talaq? Also, I was on my period at the time.
I seek advice on donating to an Islamic charity for Qurbani. If giving Qurbani through a charity is valid, can a donation made now (3 Zul-Qa'dah, 1445) be considered acceptable for Eid al-Adha?
Is earning royalties from selling books on Amazon Kindle halal? After uploading a PDF, Amazon prints and sells it, giving a fixed royalty per sale. I read that having only a 'royalty interest' without asset rights may not be Shariah-compliant. Is this royalty considered halal or interest income?
I find a dry white residue on my underwear and am unsure if it's madhi or fabric fibers, leading me to wash it before most prayers. Sudden intrusive sexual thoughts also add to my stress and waswasa.
Can Jumah prayer be performed at a musallah where daily prayers do not take place, although Taraweeh is offered in Ramadan?
If a man removes his ihram without cutting his hair after Umrah, will he be required to offer a dum? What if someone in ihram leaves the boundaries of the Haram without cutting his hair? Secondly, does the animal sacrifice have to take place within the boundaries of the Haram only?
Is writing paid reviews for different products on websites like RaterPulse halal? For example, if I have never used the products but am getting paid to write reviews. If I mention in the review that I have not personally used the product, will it be halal (permissible) in Islam?
I have questions about the status of a child born through IVF using donor eggs, whether the child is considered illegitimate, a mahram to the couple, and if the parents have committed zina or done something haram by using this method.
During our Umrah trip, my daughter’s menstruation unexpectedly started despite taking medication, leaving her unable to complete her Umrah. With our return flight the next day, we couldn't stay longer. We seek guidance on whether she needs to offer a Dum (sacrifice) for the incomplete Umrah, as she is very distressed.
I'm an 18-year-old Muslim girl struggling with severe dark circles and a nose bump, making me very insecure. I'm considering surgery to address these issues but seek guidance on whether it's permissible in Islam.
Are women allowed to cut their hair if it does not resemble men?
Are kefir grains halal to use for making kefir milk? They have health benefits, but I've been told they naturally produce some alcohol. Were kefir grains used during the time of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ ?
I need to declare the beneficiaries for my super. Could you guide me on the percentages I should allocate to my husband, mother, father and younger sister according to Islamic teachings?
What is the ruling of having dolls, teddy bears and other similar toys in the house?
I have long-COVID with severe fatigue, and current fatwas on prayer adjustments don't fully address my situation. I can stand, sit on a chair, or sit on the floor, but switching positions is the problem. Tilting my head for ruku and sujood triggers POTS symptoms like dizziness and shortness of breath. Can I even pray in a modified position as praying correctly does not cause any acute pain, it only leads to severe fatigue and being bed-ridden at times?
At Hobart masjid, they sometimes conduct distance Janazah Salat for those who have passed away abroad. What is the best course of action for us, considering that not participating might seem inappropriate as we need to perform Talim afterwards?
When giving the adhan, we insert the index fingers into the ears, but some people only raise the right hand or none at all. What is the sunnah and authentic way to make adhan?
I recently graduated with a bachelor's in Software Engineering and, unable to secure an internship, added fake experience to my resume. This led to a call from HR, and after passing the test and interview, I was offered an internship with a stipend. My concerns are whether the stipend, knowledge gained, and future earnings from skills learned would be haram due to the fake experience.
I'm a 29-year-old man, and my mother frequently assigns me time-consuming tasks, especially during prayer times, and gets upset when I prioritize my prayers. Despite financially supporting her, she makes hurtful statements and acts disruptively, particularly during religious observances. This causes me emotional distress and negatively impacts my work. When I've suggested counseling, she ridicules the idea. I'm seeking protection from her harmful prayers and struggling with the resulting negativity.
Can Zakat funds be given to a school with both rich and poor students? Can these funds be used for other school expenses or teachers' salaries? Is Zakat fulfilled when received by the school or when it reaches the poor?
After gastric bypass surgery, I have excess skin and fat that need surgery. Is plastic surgery permissible, and can male doctors perform it if no female doctors are available?
I want to perform Umrah but can't go with my father or older brother. My younger brother is unreliable, and I am unsure if I can go without a mahram. Is it permissible to perform Umrah alone?