Sunnah acts on the day of Eid ul-Fitr: The following things are sunnah/mustahab on the day of Eid ul-Fitr: 1) To offer Fajr salat in one’s local masjid. 2) To adorn oneself
according to the Shariah. 3) To have a bath. 4) To use miswaak.[1] 5) To wear the best of
clothing which one possesses.[2] 6) To apply perfume. 7) To wake up very early
in the morning. 8) To go early to the
masjid/eid-gaah (a field that is used for offering Eid salat). 9) To eat an odd number
of something sweet before going to the masjid/eid-gaah.[3]
10) To give sadaqatul Fitr before going to
the masjid/eid-gaah.[4] 11) To offer the Eid salaat in the eid-gaah. 12) To go to the masjid/eid-gaah on foot.[5] 13) To return from the
masjid/eid-gaah taking a route that is different from
the one that he had taken when going towards the masjid/eid-gaah.[6] 14) To exhibit happiness. 15) To give sadaqah profusely. 16) To wear finger ring.[7] 17) To read the following
takbeer softly while walking towards the masjid/eid-gaah: اَللهُ أَكْبَرْ،
اَللهُ أَكْبَرْ، لا إِلهَ إِلّا اللهُ، وَاللهُ أَكْبَرْ، اَللهُ أَكْبَرْ، وَلِلّهِ
الْحَمْدُ (Haashiya Ibn Aabideen
3/54 pub. Darul Ma’rifa; Bahishti Zewar1/257) And Almighty Allah
knows best. Faizal Riza [1] i.e. just before the Eid salaat or before departing for the Eid
salaat. As for doing miswaak
in wudhu, it is Sunnah mu’akkadah (emphasised Sunnah)
at all times, not just on the day of Eid. [2] It is not necessary that the clothes are white. This
is due to the narration “The Holy Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) used to wear a red burdah (a type of striped garment which is wrapped around
the body) on the day of Eid” (Baihaqi,
Tabrani). Note: The red burdah
mentioned in the narration does not mean pure red. Instead the burdah most likely had red as well as green stripes. (Fathul Qadeer). [3] It is best to eat dates (if
available; otherwise any sweet item will do) due to the hadith “The Holy
Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) would not depart
(for Eid salat) on the day
of Fitr until he would eat dates, and he would eat an
odd number” (Bukhari). [4] If one is sending his sadaqatul
fitr overseas then he should send it in advance so
that the poor and needy can receive it by the Eid
day, so that they can be relaxed and happy on the day of Eid.
See this
answer for reference. [5] In the Australian context, if at least those living
within the vicinity of the masjid practise this Sunnah of going for Eid salat on foot then it will
solve a great deal of the traffic and parking problem that is witnessed on the
occasion. Here it should be mentioned that causing trouble to others while
going to the masjid diminishes the rewards and becomes the means of incurring
sins. [6] Due to the hadith “On the day of Eid
the Holy Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) would take a different route
(when returning from the eid-gaah)” (Bukhari). Also,
by taking a different route there will be more witnesses who will testify to
one’s good deed on the day of judgement. [7] This is the ruling for the day of Eid.
As for other days, it is best for a male not to wear a finger ring, unless he
uses it for stamping on documents (as the sultans, qadis
and muftis used to do). |
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