_ 1) In reply to a previous
question you said that we can use different essences even though they have
alcohol in them. I always avoid food essence as none is without alcohol, what
should I do?
2) It is proving to be extremely difficult to get a comfortable shoe without pig leather in any part of it. Is it ok if we buy it then? Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
It is better to avoid such essences. Hence, if you can avoid using it, it will
be better that you do so.
However, if someone does use an essence in preparing food and the essence contains alcohol (as preservative) made from something other than grapes and dates, it will be permissible. (This is provided that the alcohol in the essence is a small amount and is unable to cause intoxication when used in cooking). (See: Ahsanul Fatawa: 8/486) It is, however, not permissible to use an essence that contains alcohol made from grapes or dates. 2) No, it will not be permissible to wear shoes that contain leather made from pig skin. |
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