Question: I have a question
regarding how does the zakat obligation applies to our
superannuation savings which we cannot access until the age of
retirement. As you know, superannuation contribution is compulsory saving
and it accumulates with time. Currently i am not paying any zakat on my
superannuation savings as i cannot access it. My question is when
i am able to access it on retirement, do i have to pay the zakat for all the
previous years or one year after i could take the money out? Some people are
of the opinion that because we do not have complete ownership of the
money in the sense that we could not take it out to pay our zakat on
a yearly basis, then we are only obligated to pay zakat on the amount left
one year after we can take the superannuation money out. If one has
been working for 20 - 30 years, the accumulated zakat if it has to be
calculated on the yearly basis is definitely going to be many more times
than if it has to be calculated on the lowest balance one year after
it could be withdrawn. I appreciate if you can give your fatwa or
opinion on this matter. May Allah swt guide you in your response. Jazakallah khairan. Answer: بِسْمِ
الرَّحِيْم In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most
Merciful. Our view is that it is not compulsory to pay zakat on one’s
superannuation money until one gains access to it (i.e. when one reaches the
age of retirement etc.). And when one does gain access to it, he will not have to pay zakat on it for the previous years; he
will merely have to pay zakat on it from then onwards. This is also the
view of Mufti Ebrahim Desai, Mufti Emran Vawda and Mufti Munib Ahmad.[i] Note: The answer above addresses
compulsory superannuation. It does not address voluntary superannuation or
self-managed superannuation. And
Allah Ta'ala knows best Mufti Faizal Riza Darul Ifta
Australia [i] There are some scholars, however, who take the view
that one has to pay zakat on one’s superannuation money every year just
like one has to pay zakat on other money in one’s ownership every year,
provided that he himself handed over his superannuation money to a particular
company in order that the company can invest the money for him. If one wants to
act upon this view to be on the safe side, it will be a commendable act. If, however, one works in an industry where by
law he is not allowed to choose a company to invest his superannuation money
and his superannuation money automatically goes to a particular company as per
the government regulation, then even according to this view he will not have to
pay zakat on his superannuation money until he gains access to it. And when he does gain access to it, he will not have to pay
zakat on it for the previous years; he will merely have to pay zakat on it from
then onwards. |