Permissible and impermissible acts during work hours
Islam is a complete and perfect way of life. It contains guidance for mankind in all spheres of life. However, to be guided by the teachings of Islam, it is necessary to have knowledge of the teachings of Islam. It is for this reason that Islam has declared it to be fardh (compulsory) for an individual to seek knowledge pertaining to the spheres of life that are relevant to him.
An employee (i.e. a person in the service of another for a specified time) is called an "ajeer khaas’" in the Shariah. There are a number of injunctions (ahkaam) for an ajeer khaas. An ajeer khaas is not free to spend the specified work hours as he wishes; instead, the work hours are a trust (amaanah) that he must spend doing the tasks that he is paid to do and as deemed appropriate and acceptable by the Shariah. It is necessary for an employee to learn the injunctions that apply to an ajeer khaas; otherwise, the way an employee spends his work hours may become a means of incurring sins and punishment. And in some cases, an employee may infact be incurring sins while having the false notion that he is gaining rewards and Allah’s pleasure! Some injunctions of the Shariah that apply to an employee: Hereunder are some basic injunctions of the Shariah that apply to an employee.
May Allah Ta’ala give us the tawfeeq to increase our knowledge of our beautiful deen, and may He grant us the tawfeeq to act upon the teachings of our deen in all the fields of life. Ameen. And Allah Ta’ala knows best Mufti Faizal Riza Darul Ifta Australia _____________________________ References: [1] Haashiya Ibn Aabideen (Raddul Muhtaar): vol. 9 pg. 118 pub. Darul Ma’rifa [2] Ibid. [3] Ibid. [4] Imdaadul Fataawa: vol. 3 pg. 355 pub. Maktaba Darul Ulum Karachi [5] Fataawa Mahmoodiya: vol. 16 pg. 573 pub. Maktaba Sheikhul Islam Deoband [6] Fataawa Mahmoodiya: vol. 16 pg. 572 pub. Maktaba Sheikhul Islam Deoband [7] Ahsanul Fataawa: vol. 7 pg. 301 pub. H.M. Saeed [8] Aap Ke Masaa’il: vol. 6 pg. 206 pub. Maktabah Ludhyanavi [9] Imdaadul Ahkaam: vol. 3 pg. 618 pub. Maktaba Darul Ulum Karachi [11] Kifaayatul Mufti: vol. 7 pg. 326 pub. Darul Isha’at [12] Ad-durrul Mukhtaar: vol. 9 pg. 119 pub. Darul Ma’rifa [13] Imdaadul Fataawa: vol. 3 pg. 356 pub. Maktaba Darul Ulum Karachi [14] Imdaadul Muftiyeen: pg. 720 pub. Zakariya Book Depot |
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