1. Shaykh, I’m going on holiday for a while, and I was wondering: Is sea water considered pure for wudu? If I was to jump into the water and completely cover myself would this be enough for wudu?
2. If I was to jump into a swimming pool (with chlorine) would that fulfil wudu?
Jazakallah. Would like to hear back before I go on holiday. Wassalamu alay kum
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيْم
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
1- Sea water is taahir (pure in of itself) and mutahhir (can purify), meaning that it can be used for making wudu and ghusl. If you jump in the sea and your whole body is properly covered with water, then your wudu will be done and valid. However, to get maximum reward of wudu, you should make intention of wudu, say bismillah, follow the sequence of wudu and adhere to all the other sunnah and mustahab acts of wudu.
(Nurul Idah: pg 23)
2- If the water in the swimming pool is pure then the same as above will apply.
If the surface size (length and width) of the swimming pool is approx. 21 square meters (regardless of how much water it contains) or larger then the water in it will be considered pure, unless its taste, colour or smell has changed due to an impure substance in the water. If it is smaller than this, it will become impure by even a drop of impurity falling in it.
(Nurul Idah: pg 24; Imdaadul Fattah: pg.36; Ahsanul Fatawa: 2/45)
And Allah Ta'ala knows best.
Mufti Faizal Riza
Darul Ifta Australia