My work (Toyota car dealership) has a finance department, people buy cars from me and how they pay is up to them: FINANCE/CASH/CHEQUE etc. But I am the salesperson, not the finance man, however I do have to get involved in taking figures and repayments options to the finance man and then returning back to customer with the results and options. I am like the waiter in a restraunt, who takes orders and serves, the finance man is like the chef who does all the calculations. Is it haraam for me to be involved slightly with the finance side of things? I have been told by a basic muslim that being involved in selling finance to non-muslims is okay, but with muslims I should not persuade them. One muslim came to my dealership and because his imaan was low, and he was looking at getting finance elsewhere I knew that even if I do not give him finance , he would go somewhere else for it anyway. so I told him if you want finance, even if it is not good, then getting it through my dealership has a lower interest rate so it would be better to get it with us. An example of a typical scenario: If a car costs $40,000 and the customer wants to finance this amount with a loan from Toyota then the next step is to tell them what the part payments are: (repayments) So what we end up doing is giving them the car and make them pay instalments repayments (monthly or fortnightly) until they finish the loan including interest. After 4 years they may have paid a total of $50,000. That means $10,000 was the interest. There is a worker from my work responsible for approving this, they asses the customer to make sure they have a job and can guarantee making the repayments on time. This worker also works out repayments the customer can afford and gives all the options. However this worker sits at this desk and it is my job to report to him and get the repayments and options for the customer and then take them to the customer. I am the middle man. Like the meat in the sandwich. If a customer comes to me and said I can only afford repayments of $500 per month, then I have to show them the right car in their budget or reduce the price to get to their repayments. Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Just like it is not permissible for a Muslim to
engage in interest-bearing transactions, it is not permissible for a non-Muslim
to do so as well. Therefore, just as it is not permissible to assist a Muslim
in engaging in interest-bearing transactions, it is not permissible to assist a
non-Muslim in engaging in such a transaction as well. Hence, the work you have described will not be
permissible as it entails directly facilitating and assisting the customer to
engage in an interest- bearing transaction. قال: وإذا استأجر
الذمي من
المسلم بيعة ليصلي
فيها فإن ذلك
لا يجوز؛ لأنه
ليصلي فيها
وصلاة الذميّ
معصية عندنا
وطاعة في زعمه،
وأي ذلك ما
اعتبرنا كانت
باطلة؛ لأن
الإجارة على
ما هو طاعة
ومعصية لا
يجوز، وكذلك
المسلم إذا
استأجر من
المسلم بيتاً
مسجداً يصلي
المكتوبة أو
النافلة، فإن
الإجارة لا
تجوز في قول
علمائنا، وعند
الشافعي تجوز
وهذا لأنها
وقعت على ما
هو طاعة، فإن
تسليم الدار
ليصلي فيها
طاعة ومن مذهبنا
أن الإجارة
على ما هو
طاعة لا تجوز،
وعنده تجوز. وكان
هذا بمنزلة ما
لو استأجر
رجلاً للآذان
أو الإمامة لا
يجوز عندنا؛
لأنه طاعة، وعند
الشافعي يجوز
فكذلك هذا
وكذلك الذمي
إذا استأجر
رجلاً من أهل
الذمة ليصلي
بهم فإن ذلك لا
يجوز لأن هذه
معصية عندنا
وطاعة في
دينهم وأيّ
ذلك ما
اعتبرنا لا
تجوز هذه
الإجارة. قال:
وإذا استأجر
رجل من أهل
الذمة مسلماً
يضرب لهم
الناقوس فإنه
لا يجوز لما
ذكرنا (
البرهاني: 11/ 347 ط
إدارة القرآن
) عن جابر قال لعن
رسول الله صلى
الله عليه
وسلم آكل
الربا ومؤكله
وشاهديه وقال
هم سواء قال في مرقاة
المفاتيح: قال
النووي فيه
تصريح بتحريم
الإعانة على
الباطل (
المفاتيح: 6/51 ط
مكتبة رشيدية
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