Question: 1) Is it necessary to wait for commencement of Iqama at the Masjid in the locality, to pray fardh salah at home individually
or salah can be performed immediately after adhaan. Answer: بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيْم In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. 1) It
is permissible to commence salat (both Sunnah and Fard) after the time
of that salat has started. However, note the following: - If
one (i.e. a male) lives in a locality where there is a masjid, he should offer
his salat there in congregation, unless he has a valid excuse not to. - If
one (i.e. a male) is offering salat at home due to some reason, he should still
call out the azan and iqamah, even when offering
salat individually. 2) It
is sufficient to wipe it with a tissue, although washing with water carries
more rewards. 3) It
depends on the mistake and whether the meaning changes due to the mistake. If
someone made a mistake in qira’at and thereafter
fixed the mistake in the same salat, his salat will be valid. We suggest that
you have your qira’at, takbeer,
tasbeeh etc. assessed by someone who knows tajweed. What do you mean by loud qira’at
of letters and words? 4) The
salat breaks when one’s chest turns away from the Qibla
by 45 degrees or more. If it turns less than 45 degrees, the salat will be
valid. 5) It
means that when you go into ruku’, for example, you
should remain in the proper ruku’ position for at
least as long as it takes to say “Subhaana Rabbiyal Azeem” ( سبحان ربي
العظيم )
once. The same thing applies to sajda,
qawmah (standing from ruku’)
and jalsah (sitting between the two sajdas). (Tahtawi: pg. 249) 6) No,
it is not necessary. However, you should not take the name of Allah Ta’ala
therein with your tongue. And
Allah Ta'ala knows best Mufti Faizal Riza Darul Ifta
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