Is it permissible to read the QURAN on the computer (internet / PDF versions)? Will I get the same reward as reading it directly from the HARD VERSION OF OUR HOLY QURAN ? Is it permissible to hear the mp3 version of SURAH's which helps me memorize them easily with tajweed? Should I have to be in state of WUDU before reading / hearing them on the computer ? Jazakallahu khairan.
Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
In principle, wudu
is not required to listen to or to read the Quran. Wudu
is, however, a requirement to touch the Quran, unless there is a barrier such
as a cloth that is wrapped around it. One is not required to have wudu in order to touch a computer screen displaying the
Quran as the screen acts as a barrier. One may make use of listening to the Quran
from a mp3 player,a cd player etc. as an aid in learning Tajweed
rules and in memorizing the Quran. However, they can never be a substitute for
a teacher. One gets equal rewards for the recitation
of the Quran whether it is done by looking at the Mus-haf
(hard copy of the Quran) or by looking at the computer screen on which the
Quran is displayed. However, one is able to achieve more reverence, humility,
devotion and concentration if the Quran is recited by sitting on the floor,
facing the Qiblah, freeing oneself of all
distractions (including the computer) and following all other etiquettes of
reciting the Quran. مطلب مس
المصحف ( وأما ) الثاني
وهو بيان حكم الحدث
فللحدث أحكام وهي
أن لا يجوز للمحدث
أداء الصلاة لفقد
شرط جوازها وهو
الوضوء قال صلى
الله عليه وسلم
{ لا صلاة إلا بوضوء
} ولا مس المصحف
من غير غلاف عندنا –
الصنائع ،
كتاب الطهارة A passage of Faza’il-e-Quran
by Sheikhul Hadith Maulana Zakariya (Rahmatullahi Alaihi.) regarding etiquettes of reciting the Quran is
quoted below for the benefit of the readers: The Masha’ikh
have mentioned six external and six internal rules of
reverence for reading the Holy Qur’an, which are given below: Rules of External Reverence (1) Perform wudu and then sit facing the qiblah
in an extremely dignified manner. (2) Do not proceed fast, but
read with measure and correct pronunciation. (3) Try to weep, even if you
have to compel yourself to do so. (4) The response to ayaat of mercy or punishment should be as explained above. (5) Reading should be in a low
voice, if insincerity is apprehended on your own part or disturbance is caused
to others. Otherwise read in a loud voice. (6) Read in a melodious voice,
because there are numerous ahaadith laying emphasis
on this. Rules of Internal Reverence (1) The heart should be full
of the glory of Quran i.e. realizing how sublime it is. (2) Bear in the heart the
Loftiness, Majesty and Magnificence of Almighty Allah, Whose
Revelation the Quran is. (3) The heart should be free
from distraction and doubts. (4) Dwell upon the meanings
and enjoy reading it (5) Submit your heart to the
subject-matter of the verses you are reading. For instance, on ayaat containing a message of mercy, the heart should be
filled with delight. And on ayaat of chastisement,
the heart should tremble with awe. (6) The ears should be made as
attentive as if Almighty Allah Himself is speaking and the reader is listening
to Him. May Allah, out of His mercy and kindness,
grant all of us the ability to read the Quran according to these rules of reverence. (Ameen) (Faza’il-e-Quran
pg. 14-15) | answers issues pertaining to Shariah. Thereafter, these questions and answers are placed for public view on for educational purposes. However, many of these answers are unique to a particular scenario and cannot be taken as a basis to establish a ruling in another situation or another environment. bears no responsibility with regards to these questions being used out of their intended context.
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