We know that pious children are a form of sadaqah jaariyah for the parents. Does this mean that whatever good deed a child does (even after becoming an adult) goes to the parents' accounts regardless of them sending it to the parents' account (i.e. after the parent/s pass away, as a bakshish)? Or does a child still have to send whatever nawaafil he/she does to the parents' accounts in order for it to be part of the parents' book of good deeds. Jazakumullah Khayr. Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
If a person leaves behind pious children, he will continue to receive rewards as long as his children keep on doing good deeds, regardless of whether they make intention of isaal thawaab (bakshish i.e. sending of rewards) to his parents or not. Leaving behind pious children is similar to planting a tree: the person who planted it will continue to receive rewards as long as people benefit from the tree, regardless of whether those who benefit from the tree make dua for him or not.
عن أبي هريرة
أن رسول الله
صلى الله عليه
وسلم قال إذا
مات الإنسان
انقطع عنه
عمله إلا من
ثلاثة إلا من
صدقة جارية أو
علم ينتفع به
أو ولد صالح
يدعو له ( رواه
مسلم ) في مرقاة
المفاتيح: وإنما
ذكر دعاءه
تحريضا للولد
على الدعاء لأبيه
حتى قيل
للوالد ثواب
من عمل الولد
الصالح سواء
دعا لأبيه أم
لا كما أن من
غرس شجرة يجعل
للغارس ثوابا
بأكل ثمرتها
سواء دعا له
الآكل أم لا (
المفاتيح شرح
المصابيح: 1/453 ط
مكتبة رشيدية
) |