Question: We have a
non-muslim tenant who runs a supermarket business. We have an agreement that he
will not sell liquor and pork. My question is he
is selling for eg. corned beef, biscuits etc which Muslims can't eat because of
the haram ingredients or issue of stunned meat etc. Is the rental
income halal in this case? If it is then what
is the difference by not selling pork or liquor? Also for betting
business, is it permissible to lease to them? And for people who
need to rent my space to do speeches like the church groups who promote their
religion? Answer: بِسْمِ
الرَّحِيْم In the
Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. There are two views regarding leasing one's property in a locality that
is predominated by non-Muslims to a non-Muslim who will use the property to sell
pork, liquor and haram food. One view is that it is not permissible. The other
view is that it is permissible. It is safer to act upon the first view. There
is also scope to act upon the second view. The rental income received from such
a tenant, nonetheless, will be halal. This is because the money a non-Muslim
makes by selling pork, liquor etc. is not considered haram money in the sense
that if that non-Muslim gives the same money (which he acquired by selling pork
or liquor) to a Muslim, it will be permissible for the Muslim to keep it. The same two views mentioned above exist regarding leasing one's
property to church groups. As for leasing one's property to a betting business, it is not
permissible. This is because money made through betting is haram money.
Therefore, all or majority of the money made by a betting business will be
haram. And it is not permissible for a Muslim to take money the majority of
which is from a haram source.[1] And Allah knows best Mufti 1/2/2013 Checked and approved by: Mufti Ebrahim Desai Darul Ifta [1] (و) جاز
(إجارة بيت
بسواد الكوفة)
أي قراها (لا
بغيرها على
الأصح) وأما
الأمصار وقرى
غير الكوفة
فلا يمكنون
لظهور شعار
الإسلام فيها ،
وخص سواد
الكوفة لأن
غالب أهلها
أهل الذمة (ليتخذ
بيت نار أو
كنيسة أو بيعة
أو يباع فيه
الخمر) وقالا
لا ينبغي ذلك
لأنه إعانة
على المعصية
وبه قالت
الثلاثة ، زيلعي
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