Question: 1) Is skin oil needed to be cleared for wudhu
and ghusl to be complete 2) If our hands are oily, and touch something impure, does
impurity get transferred? Answer: بِسْمِ
الرَّحِيْم In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. 1) No, oil does not prevent the validity of wudu and
ghusl. So oil does not have to be removed before wudu and ghusl. 2) If the traces of the impurity, such as its colour
or smell, become apparent on the hand then the hand will become impure;
otherwise it will remain pure. (Fatawa Hindiya: 1/52-53, Ilmiyya) 3) Mopping with a wet mop or towel will only purify
smooth surfaces that do not have pores, such as glass, mirrors and some tiles
(but the plaster in between the tiles will not be purified by mopping). As for
other types of surfaces, mopping will not be sufficient for purifying. Depending on the type of surface and the type of
impurity, there are a few ways you could purify the surface: ·
For the methods of purifying carpets and rugs,
click here. ·
To purify cement floor, wooden floor or tiled
floor you can use the methods used for purifying carpets and rugs; and you use
also use this method: Simply let the impurity dry and disappear. Once the
impurity dries and disappears and its traces (colour and smell) also disappear,
that place will become pure, i.e. you can perform salat
on it (although you can’t make tayammum from
it). And
Allah Ta'ala knows best Mufti Faizal Riza Darul Ifta
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