In our local masjid we have ##### brothers, mashallah in large number. 1. However a strange thing has been observed about them and that is they talk loudly without any regards to the masjid or the people who are praying and also most of them talk of worldly matters. They in fact, have made the masjid a place of socializing. They talk so loudly that when we are doing taleem sometimes we are unable to hear what is being read in the Taleem. I need some hadith with references which prove the impermissible nature of talking loudly in the masjid and also of talking about worldly affairs. 2. Furthermore it has been observed that most of the brothers bring their children in the masjid but then they do not explain to the children the aadab of a masjid. These children then start playing around in the masjid, irrespective of the fact, the Jamaah is in progress or not. They run around the masjid and jump in the masjid, like as if they are in a playground or a park. Could you kindly provide some hadith with references by which it can be explained to these brothers that the bringing of such children in masjid is preferable who are aware of the aadab of the masjid otherwise it is better to not bring young children. Will be deeply grateful if you can provide me with the answers for the above mentioned questions. Jazakallah Khairan. Answer:In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
1. Consider the following hadiths: حدثنا
علي بن عبد
الله، قال:
حدثنا يحيى بن
سعيد، قال:
حدثنا الجعيد
بن عبد
الرحمن، قال:
حدثني يزيد بن
خصيفة، عن
السائب بن
يزيد، قال: كنت
قائما في
فحصبني رجل،
فنظرت فإذا عمر
بن الخطاب،
فقال: اذهب
فأتني بهذين،
فجئته بهما،
قال: من أنتما -
أو من أين
أنتما؟ - قالا:
من أهل
الطائف، قال:
«لو كنتما من
أهل البلد
أصواتكما في مسجد
رسول الله صلى
الله عليه
وسلم» رواه
البخاري، رقم:
470 Imam Bukhari relates on the authority of Yazid ibn Khusaifa
that As-Saa'ib ibn Yazeed (Radiyallahu Anhu) said: I was once standing in the masjid when someone
threw pebbles at me. I looked around and saw that it was Umar
Ibn al-Khattab (Radiyallahu Anhu). He said
"Go and bring those two individuals to me." I went and brought those
two individuals to him. He said (to them) "Who are you and where are you
from?" They replied "We are from Ta'if."
He replied "If you had been from this town (Madina),
I would have inflicted pain on you, as you were raising your voice in the
masjid of the Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu alaihi wa
sallam)!" (Bukhari,
hadith 470) أخبرنا
أبو طاهر
حدثنا أبو بكر
حدثنا أحمد بن
يوسف، حدثنا
محمد بن يوسف،
قال: ذكر
سفيان، عن بعض
أصحابه، عن
الحسن، قال:
قال رسول الله
صلى الله عليه
وسلم: " يأتي
على الناس
زمان يكون
حديثهم في
مساجدهم في أمر
دنياهم، فلا
فليس لله فيهم
حاجة " رواه
البيهقي في
شعب الإيمان،
رقم: 2701 Hasan (Radiyallahu
Anhu) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam)
said "A time will come when the conversation of people in their masjids will be about their worldly affairs. Do not
accompany them, as Allah does not need them (to come to the masjid)." (Al-Baihaqi in Shu'abul Iman, hadith 2701). The jurists (fuqaha) have written: -
It is prohibited to raise one's
voice in the masjid. -
If there is a genuine need to talk
with someone in the masjid about some permissible thing, it should be done in a
low voice and it should be kept brief. -
It is prohibited to go to the
masjid or to sit therein specifically with the intention of talking. -
It is prohibited to talk about
impermissible things anywhere; however doing this is worse in the masjid. In short, it is forbidden to do the following in the masjid: to raise
one's voice, to talk about impermissible things, to go to the masjid or to sit
therein specifically to talk. (See: Mirqaatul Mafatih: 2/449-451; Hashiya Ibn Aabideen: 9/690, 3/508; Fatawa Hindiya: 5/397) 2. Consider the following hadith: عن
واثلة بن
الأسقع، أن
النبي صلى
الله عليه وسلم
قال: «جنبوا
ورفع أصواتكم،
حدودكم، وسل
واتخذوا على
وجمروها في
Wathila Ibn
Al-Asqa' (Radiyallahu Anhu) narrates that the Messenger (sallallaahu
alaihi wa sallam) said, "Keep away from your masjids
your children, your lunatics, your buying, your selling, your disputes, raising
your voices, implementation of your hudood and
withdrawing of your swords. Make provision at its doors for fulfilling needs of
purity; and perfume it with incense on Fridays." (Sunan
Ibn Maaja, hadith 750) The ruling on bringing children to the masjid is as follows: -
It is prohibited and sinful to
bring such children to the masjid who are very small and immature, who do not
know the right from the wrong, who do not know how to behave in the masjid and
there is high probability of them making the masjid impure (by urinating etc). -
Those children who have acquired
some understanding and know the etiquettes of the masjid and there is not much
chances of them making the masjid impure (by urinating etc), it is makrooh tanzeehi to
bring such children to the masjid, i.e. although there is no sin in bringing
such children to the masjid, it is better not to. -
Those children who are close to the
age of puberty and know the right from the wrong and can observe the etiquettes
of the masjid and know about purity and impurity, it is permissible to bring
such children to the masjid without any dislike (karaaha).
In fact, one should bring such children to the masjid in order to train
them to offer salat. (Fiqhi Rasa'il:
1/219; Shaami 1/656, Saeed) And Allah knows best Mufti 11/11/2012 Darul Ifta |