A few years ago before I got
married I did a very bad deed: I was chatting with a non-mahram and we finally
had an affair but only virtual, nothing physical. After a few months his wife
found out about this and she asked me to take an oath and tell the truth. I was
so scared ... Since i was still young i was afraid that if my parents find out they
would scold me... So I took an oath on the Quran that I did not have anything with her
husband and she believed me. Since then i feel so guilty... I do make lots of
istighfar. But the question is: Do I have to tell his wife to forgive me? Or
can i carry on with my istighfar? jazakAllah khair for helping me.
Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
_ Chatting
with non-mahram people of the opposite gender is an evil act that leads to
other evil acts. We are pleased to see that you have realised this.
Taking a false oath is a major sin according to the ahadith (Bukhari). One who committed this sin must do sincere tauba (repentance) immediately. If you do sincere tauba, Allah Ta’ala will forgive you; and informing the man’s wife will not be necessary. (See: Raddul Muhtaar: 5/493, Darul Ma’rifa; Fatawa Rahimiyya: 9/23) Also, read the following answer: |
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