What is the degree we should use for Fajr and Isha salat in Melbourne? For a reference guide, please have a look at what different regions in the world use: Last year in October or so, _________ from _________ changed the timings for summer for Isha based on a different calculation to what the calendar is printed. I am quite confused and like to understand this topic a bit more because this not only affects the Isha prayer but it also affects the start time of Fajr payer and thus impact the timings for Sahur (Sehri) for fasting as well. Please advise. Jazakallahu khairan. Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Isha salat time:
There are two views regarding the starting time of Isha prayer:
(Note that the disappearance of red twilight takes place before the disappearance of white twilight.) Hence, although it is permissible to offer Isha salat upon the disappearance of red twilight from the horizon, it is better and more precautionary to offer it after the disappearance of white twilight from the horizon. Regarding the position of the sun at the time of the disappearance of red twilight and white twilight from the horizon, there are two views among the scholars of the Indo-Pak subcontinent:
Since salat is a fundamental obligation of every Muslim, one must take all precautions to ensure he/she offers his/her salat correctly and in the correct time. Therefore, taking into consideration the abovementioned views, the following precautionary measures are suggested:
Fajr salat and beginning of fasting time: The time of Fajr salat starts upon the appearance of true dawn (fajr sadiq) in the horizon. This is also when the time of fasting starts. One must stop eating before this time if he intends to fast. There are two views among the scholars of the Indo-Pak subcontinent regarding the position of the sun at the time of the appearance of true dawn in the horizon:
Based on the two views mentioned above, the following precautionary measures are suggested: