Do Intrusive thoughts if
they enter a persons mind because of a mental disorder such as
OCD,STRESS,DEPRESSION, and the concerned person cant control them is he blameable?
And also waswas which could be causing thoughts about uncleanliness, evil
thoughts aboout greater impurities that are excreted by the human body... Its
not like the person wants to do these things and in reality doesnt intend to do
any sort of evil. Are there any prayers like ruqiya prayers for curing OCD, and such other
psychological diseases?
Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
_ These thoughts are whisperings (wasawis) of Shaytaan. There is no blame on a person who gets these whisperings as long as he does not act upon them, as these whisperings are beyond the control of human beings. The way to cure these whisperings is to ignore them i.e. not to intentionally think about what these whisperings suggest and not to act upon the demands of these whisperings. Also, whenever you get a whispering, say “A’uzu billaahi minash shaytaanir rajeem” (I seek refuge in Allah from Shaytan, the accursed). Also, read the following answers: |
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