I was less than two years old when one day my grandmother let me suck her breast 5 to 6 times to stop me from crying. It happened only one day. It never happened again. Even at that time her own youngest child was 17 years old and her husband had died 6 years before this event. I want to ask whether "prohibition of marriage" is implied even if anything other than milk has gone into my mouth from her breast???... Am I allowed to marry my cousin in this situation according to Hanafi school? Because here muftis have opinion that marriage to my cousin is haram in this case, because they say that by sucking, something must have gone into baby's mouth even not the milk..even then marriage is haram...Please guide me. Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
If your grandmother is certain that she had milk in her breasts when you sucked her breast and that milk went down your throat, then foster relationship will be established and it will not be permissible for you to marry your cousin (your grandmother’s son’s/daughter’s son). If your grandmother is not certain of this, then foster relationship will not be established and it will be permissible for you to marry your cousin. [1]
[1] ( أحسن
الفتاوى: 5/126-128؛
محمودية: 13/618-619، 625
ط فاروقية) امرأة أدخلت
حلمة ثديها في
فم الرضيع ولا
يدرى أدخل
اللبن في حلقه
أم لا، لا
يحرم النكاح ( الإختيار:
2/142 ط دار قبا ) في الدر
المختار: فلو
التقم الحلمة
ولم يدر أدخل
اللبن في حلقه
أم لا لم يحرم
لأن في المانع
شكا ؛ ( وإذا
أرضعت المرأة
صبيةً حرمت
على زوجها وآبائه
وأبنائه )
المرضعة أم
إخوته وأخواته
من تقدم ومن
تأخر، فلا
يجوز أن يتزوج
شيئا من ولدها
وولد ولدها
وإن سفلوا ( الإختيار:
2/140 ط دار قبا ) في الدر
المختار: ( ولا )
حل ( بين
الرضيعة وولد
مرضعتها ) أي
التي أرضعتها
( وولد ولدها )
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