1- I had a dream from Allah and it was so scary
that I can not explain how scared I got I was lying down and closed my
eyes and Allah was showing me that i was taken away from my family i died and i
was going right threw my garage flying but it was all hell there was all fire
and lava under me I was screaming ya ALLAH for give me please and still then I
woke up couldn’t sleep. what can I do to become a better Muslim I have doubts
on many things and have done many bad things in the past I’m so worried I wont
make in to janaah I try memorizing the Quran but I cant I just go blank I get migraines
when I read too much. I feel like the worst servant in the world please help me
2- Also asking another question on behalf of a friend: She is a married lady and has 2 kids mashallah but she has eloped with another man, a man she used to love in her past; and she slept with him in the month of Ramadan; she met with him on many occasions. Now this man is also married but they both cheated there spouse she has asked forgiveness from Allah has not met the man ever again and is trying to foccus on her family. What can she do to seek forgiveness what are some duas or ayaats to read can u send me in details what she should do inshallah 3- Also another question for me is can u send me a step to step sheet or file of how to pray all the duas i need to read from saying allah hu akbar to the rest inshallah it will be very appreciated Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
_ 1) The dream you had was a
wake up call from Allah Ta'ala. The dream suggests that Allah Ta'ala wants you
to learn about your religion and he wants you to become a practising Muslim so
that you can be saved from Hell fire and can go to Paradise.
The dream you had was a great blessing from Allah Ta'ala. You should take the
message of the dream seriously and focus on preparing yourself for your eternal
and real life, the life after death, before it is too late.
We are pleased to see that you are eager to become a better Muslim. May Allah Ta'ala accept your pious aspiration. Every human being commits mistakes. Only the Prophets were protected from committing sins. Allah Ta'ala knows about this weakness of ours. And that is why Allah Ta'ala has given us tauba (repentance), so that after we realise our mistake we can turn to Him for repentance and forgiveness. A person who sincerely repents to Allah, Allah Ta'ala forgives him. Allah Ta’ala says in the Holy Quran: (Translation) And He it is Who accepts repentance from His servants and pardons the evil deeds and He knows what you do (Quran 42:25). Abu Ubaidah ibn Abdullah narrates from his father that Rasulullah (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) said, “One who repents from sin is like one who has no sin.” (Ibn Maajah, hadith 4240). The holy Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) has also been reported to have said, “Every son of Adam commits mistakes. And the best among those who commit mistakes are those who repent.” Read the following answer to find out more about tauba (repentance) and its components: Keep the above in your mind and do not let Satan frustrate you and make you feel helpless and sad, as that is what Satan aims to do to everyone. Totally ignore the whisperings of Satan. Spend as much time with practising Muslim women who know about Islam as possible. Read good books on Islam. Listen to good Islamic lectures. If possible, go out in jama'ah tabligh – as it will be beneficial inshallah. 2) Your friend should do sincere tauba and never interact with that man again. Also, if your friend was fasting in Ramadan when she committed the grave sin of zina, she must also observe the kaffara for breaking the fast of Ramadan, which is to fast for 2 consecutive months. 3) Please download “Ta'leemul Islam” from our download page: |
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