1) Does vomiting break one's fast?
2) Does swallowing one's vomit break the fast? 3) If someone's fast breaks due to vomiting or swallowing vomit, is only qada compulsory or kaffara as well? 4) If someone's fast breaks due to vomiting or swallowing vomit, can he eat and drink for the rest of that day? Answer:In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
1) If a person vomits unintentionally, his fast will not break irrespective of the amount of vomit. If a person vomits intentionally, his fast will break only if it's a mouthful or more and he remembers that he is fasting.
2) If the vomit that came to one's mouth goes back down the throat on its own, the fast will not break. If, however, the person intentionally swallows the vomit, then his fast will only break with three conditions: a) the vomit is a mouthful or more; b) the amount of vomit he swallows is equal to or more than a chickpea in size; 3) he remembers that he is fasting. 3) Only qada will be compulsory, not kaffara. 4) He must abstain from eating and drinking till sunset, just like a fasting person. (Shami: 3/450, Darul Ma'rifa; Ahsanul Fatawa: 4/443; Tahtawi: pg. 677,678) |
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