I am muslim, I commited Zina which i truly regret and i did repent multiple times, but later i found out that i impregnanted a woman who is Christian that already has a 7 year old child from the past, she is now 8 weeks pregnant with this baby of mine, is abortion forbidden?
The first week of finding out this news was a shock, i was very depressed and stressed to the point where i wanted to harm myself and do bad stuff, but i thank the unborn child for saving me, because i would never leave knowing the child has no father around him, but now i feel like i want to keep this baby and raise it the right islamic way, will the baby have my name after its born?
I also want to marry this woman, she also agrees in doing so, she did repent like me, and i feel like if i do so it would put my family into shame, and my family would also disown me, but i have no other choice, i do not want to leave this woman, i cannot, i know having a illicit relationship is haram which i also regret, but i have love for this woman. I've been told and was researching that if the parents disagree with whom i marry, its a sin for them and also if they disown or cut family ties with me it is also a sin.
If i leave it would break me, please advice me on what to do, i've been searching for guidance and advice from everywhere but i am very stuck in this situation, i want to truly marry this woman, she is the most respected woman, and i truly respect her from the bottom of my heart, i would never marry anyone else apart from her, i need help please
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيْم
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
At the outset, we commend you for recognising that you committed a major sin and that you repented from it. Now, coming to your questions:
1) It is not permissible to abort the fetus, as the life of a fetus is sacred in Islam and the fetus is not guilty of any crime.
لأبي يوسف أن الامتناع في الأصل لحرمة الحمل وهذا الحمل محترم لأنه لا جناية منه ولهذا لم يجز إسقاطه ( الهداية: 3/21 ط مكتبة البشرى )
2) It is permissible for you to marry her (See note below). As for the child that she will give birth to, if she gives birth six months or more after the marriage, you will be regarded as the father according to the Shariah and, therefore, all the injunctions that apply to a father and child relationship will be applicable. Hence, you will be financially responsible for his upbringing. Also, he will inherit from you upon your death. However, if she gives birth before six months from the time of marriage, then you will not be regarded as the father and the child will be attributed to the mother only. Similarly, if she gives birth before you marry her, you will not be regarded as the father.
في الدر المختار: لو نكحها الزاني حل له وطؤها اتفاقا والولد له ولزمه النفقة. وقال الشامي: (قوله: اتفاقا) أي منهما ومن أبي يوسف، فالخلاف السابق في غير الزاني كما في الفتح وغيره (قوله: والولد له) أي إن جاءت بعد النكاح لستة أشهر، مختارات النوازل، فلو لأقل من ستة أشهر من وقت النكاح لا يثبت النسب ولا يرث منه إلا أن يقول هذا الولد مني ولا يقول من الزنى ، خانية. والظاهر أن هذا من حيث القضاء، أما من حيث الديانة فلا يجوز له أن يدعيه؛ لأن الشرع قطع نسبه منه، فلا يحل له استلحاقه به، ولذا لو صرح بأنه من الزنى لا يثبت قضاء أيضا، وإنما يثبت لو لم يصرح لاحتمال كونه بعقد سابق أو بشبهة حملا لحال المسلم على الصلاح، وكذا ثبوته مطلقا إذا جاءت به لستة أشهر من النكاح لاحتمال علوقه بعد العقد، وأن ما قبل العقد كان انتفاخا لا حملا، ويحتاط في إثبات النسب ما أمكن. ( رد المحتار: 4/ 139 ط دار المعرفة )
Although it is permissible for a Muslim man to marry a Christian woman, it is makrooh and detestable to do so in non-Islamic countries. By doing so, one will subject one’s children to becoming fond of non-Islamic lifestyle and ideologies. May Allah protect. We advise that you invite her to Islam before you marry her. Also note that it will be haram for you to maintain any relationship with her before marriage.
في أصول الإفتاء وآدابه للمفتي تقي العثماني حفظه الله: وقال ابن الهمام رحمه الله: "ويجوز تزوج الكتابيات، والأولى أن لا يفعل ولا يأكل ذبيحتهم إلا لضرورة وتكره الكتابية الحربية إجماعا لانفتاح باب الفتنة مع إمكان التعلق المستدعي للمقام معها في دار الحرب وتعريض الولد على التخلق بأخلاق أهل الكفر وعلى الرق بأن تسبى وهي حبلى فيولد الولد رقيقا، وإن كان مسلما" ( أصول الإفتاء وآدابه للمفتي تقي العثماني حفظه الله: ص 323 )
And Allah Ta'ala knows best.
Mufti Faizal Riza
Darul Ifta Australia