Question: 1)
Which shahadat/kalima should be given preference while making talqeen in front of a dying person, the first shahadat or the shahadatain
should be recited next to him? 2)
From which side, the grave must be closed with
the planks of wood in case it is a man and woman, the head side or the leg side
of the grave? 3)
In the intention of the janazah
salaah, is it necessary for those following imam to
say within themselves “I intend making janazah salaah behind this imam”? 4)
We used to walk in between the graves with the
shoes; I came across the hadith discouraging to walk with the shoes. Now what
should we do? 5)
Can we eat the fruits and take home the flowers
found in the graveyard. If not, what should be done with the fruits specially?
Should we let it rot on the trees? 6) What does the Shariah say regarding planting flowers, etc. on the grave,
especially after the burial? The flowers most of the time is taken by cutting
them from another grave. Sometimes we find big plants on the grave. Should we
clean the grave completely neat at all time? I also want to know how the graves
in the graveyard should be, no plants etc. on them?
Sometimes people put medicine to kill all the plants; is it correct? 7)
During the three makrooh
times, is it makrooh to offer janazah
salaah too? 8) Should itr (perfume) be applied to the body of a deceased female
too? Jazakallahu Khairan Answer: بِسْمِ
الرَّحِيْم In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most
Merciful. 1)
The talqeen of لا
إله إلا الله (Laa ilaaha illallaah)
should be done. (Shaami: 3/92, Darul
Ma’rifa) 2)
We could not find mention of this in the books of Fiqh.
Hence, it will be permissible to place planks of wood starting from either the
head side or the feet side. While putting soil, however, it is mustahab to start from the head side. This applies to both
men and women. 3)
When offering salat in jama’ah
(congregation), one should make intention in his heart of following the imam.
This applies to Janazah salat
as well as other salats. 4)
There is another hadith which suggests that it is permissible to wear
shoes when visiting the graveyard. The scholars have reconciled between the two
hadiths by saying that it is not permissible to wear shoes out of vanity and
pride etc. and that otherwise it is permissible to do so. (Bazlul Majhood: 4/213) 5)
For us to answer this question, please give us the following
information: a. Who does the land belong to? Does
it belong to any individual? Does it belong to the government? Or is it waqf (endowment)? b. Also, were those trees there
before the land came to be used as graveyard? Or did they grow afterwards? 6)
- It is mustahab (commendable) to place a
green twig on the grave. -
There is no mention in the hadiths of planting trees and plants on the
grave. If this act had any special merit, the Prophet (sallallahu
alaihi wa
sallam) and the sahabah (radiyallahu anhum) would have
done it. Hence, this should be avoided. However, if someone does do it, it will
not be deemed to be haram, provided that he does not think it to be compulsory. -
It is not permissible to place flowers on the grave, as is the custom
in some places. - It is makrooh
to remove plants, trees and grass from the graveyard. However, if they have
died and have become dry, then it is permissible to remove them. Similarly, if
a tree, for example, is an impediment in the digging of graves, it will be
permissible to remove it. (Bahishti Zewar; Fatawa D.U. Zakariya; Kifayatul Mufti; Shaami) 7)
If the janazah arrived (for janaza salat) before the makrooh time, then it will not be permissible to offer janazah salat in the makrooh time. If it is offered in the makrooh
time, it will not be valid. On the other hand, if the janazah
arrived (for janazah salat)
during the makrooh time, it will be permissible to
offer janazah salat in the makrooh time. In fact, it will be preferable to offer janazah salat in the makrooh time in this case. This is so that janazah salat in not delayed
unnecessarily. (Shami: 2/42, Darul
Ma’rifa) 8)
Yes, just like perfume and camphor are applied to the body of a
deceased male, they should be applied to the body of a deceased female. (Bahishti Zewar: 1/281) And
Allah Ta'ala knows best Mufti Faizal Riza Darul Ifta
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