My mum has been fasting all her life. Unfortunely she is quite ill this year and could not fast. Someone has told her that paying the fitrana twice the sum will reward her for the missed fasts. Fitrana in Fiji is $2.50 FJD*. So she pays $5.00 per day, i.e. approx. 30 days fasts x $5.00=$150.00. Is this true?
Looking forward to your kind reply. Answer:In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
There are two things which should be understood before understanding the answer:
1. Fidya (2.25 kg of wheat or its value) is the same as fitrana. Therefore, if the fitrana is $2.50, then fidya for each fast will also be $2.50.* [see footnote]. 2. Fidya can only be paid for a person who is really sick and who does not have any chances of becoming well again. Thus, if a person is hoping to become well again, it is not permitted for him to pay fidya. Rather, he should wait until he becomes well again and then he should do qada for the fasts that he has missed out. Therefore, in the abovementioned situation, if your mum is most likely going to recover, then it is not permissible for her to pay fidya. Rather, she should wait for recovery and then make qada. However, if she is really sick and there is not much chance of recovery, then in such a case it will be permissible for her to pay the fidya of $2.50 for each day.* [see footnote] الفتاوى
الهندية - (1 / 207) ولو
فات صوم رمضان
بعذر المرض أو
السفر واستدام
المرض والسفر
حتى مات لا
قضاء عليه
لكنه إن أوصى
بأن يطعم عنه
صحت وصيته وإن
لم تجب عليه ويطعم
عنه من ثلث
ماله فإن برئ
المريض أو قدم
وأدرك من
الوقت بقدر ما
فاته فيلزمه قضاء
جميع ما أدرك
فإن لم يصم
حتى أدركه
الموت فعليه
أن يوصي
بالفدية كذا
في البدائع
ويطعم عنه
وليه لكل يوم
مسكينا نصف
صاع من بر أو
صاعا من تمر أو
صاعا من شعير
كذا في
الهداية المبسوط
للسرخسي - (3 / 161) ولنا:
حديث بن عمر
رضي الله
عنهما موقوفا
عليه ومرفوعا:
"لا يصوم أحد
عن أحد ولا
يصلي أحد عن
أحد" ثم الصوم
عبادة لا تجري
النيابة في
أدائها في
حالة الحياة
فكذلك بعد
كالصلاة وهذا
لأن المعنى في
العبادة كونه
شاقا على بدنه
ولا يحصل ذلك
بأداء نائبه
ولكن يطعم عنه
لكل يوم
مسكينا لأنه
وقع اليأس عن
أداء الصوم في
حقه فتقوم
الفدية مقامه
كما في حق
الشيخ الفاني
وإنما يجب عليهم
الإطعام من
ثلثه إذا أوصى
ولا يلزمهم
ذلك إذا لم
يوص عندنا And Allah knows best.
Mufti Qazi Muhammad Anas 22/8/2012 Checked and approved by: Mufti Faizal Riza Darul Ifta Australia ________________________________ * Note: The fitrana amount for Fiji that is mentioned in the query – i.e. $2.50 FJD – does not seem to be correct. This is because fitrana (and fidya) is the value of 2.25 kg of wheat, which currently equates to $4.50 AUD here in Melbourne, Australia (as 1 kg of wheat is sold for $2.00 in the local grocery store here). It is known that the Fijian Dollar is weaker than the Australian Dollar and that wheat is imported into Fiji; hence, $2.50 FJD for 2.25 kg of wheat in Fiji does not seem to be correct. Yes, years ago it may have been that rate; but when determining the amount for fitrana and fidya, the current price of wheat has to be taken into consideration. Hence, the Muslims of Fiji should determine the fitrana and fidya amount based on the current price of 2.25 kg of wheat in Fiji. [Faizal Riza] | answers issues pertaining to Shariah. Thereafter, these questions and answers are placed for public view on for educational purposes. However, many of these answers are unique to a particular scenario and cannot be taken as a basis to establish a ruling in another situation or another environment. bears no responsibility with regards to these questions being used out of their intended context.
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