Assalamu alaykum. I pray you are in the best state of iman and health.
I bathed my baby daughter and wrapped her in a towel from head to toe. I laid her on the bed to dress her (still covered in the towel) but noticed that she urinated on the bottom of the towel. I re-washed her body but not her hair. Was this sufficient to remove the impurity from her? Or should I have washed her hair, too, given that the towel her whole body (including hair) was wrapped in was moist (not dripping wet) - would the urine at the bottom of the moist towel be considered to have transferred all over the towel, and therefore, her hair, too?
JazakAllahu khayr
I bathed my baby daughter and wrapped her in a towel from head to toe. I laid her on the bed to dress her (still covered in the towel) but noticed that she urinated on the bottom of the towel. I re-washed her body but not her hair. Was this sufficient to remove the impurity from her? Or should I have washed her hair, too, given that the towel her whole body (including hair) was wrapped in was moist (not dripping wet) - would the urine at the bottom of the moist towel be considered to have transferred all over the towel, and therefore, her hair, too?
JazakAllahu khayr
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Wa ῾alaykumussalam
In principle, only the section of the cloth which has absorbed urine will be considered impure and washing only the impure section will render the whole cloth pure.
In the scenario in question, it is clear from your statement that your baby urinated at the bottom of the towel. Therefore, it will suffice to wash the bottom of the body where the towel came into contact. It will not be necessary to wash her hair.
In principle, only the section of the cloth which has absorbed urine will be considered impure and washing only the impure section will render the whole cloth pure.
In the scenario in question, it is clear from your statement that your baby urinated at the bottom of the towel. Therefore, it will suffice to wash the bottom of the body where the towel came into contact. It will not be necessary to wash her hair.
في بدائع الصنائع: (وأما) سائر النجاسات إذا أصابت الثوب أو البدن ونحوهما فإنها لا تزول إلا بالغسل، سواء كانت رطبة أو يابسة، وسواء كانت سائلة أو لها جرم (بدائع الصنائع ج 1 ص 83 رشيدية)
وفي الدر المختار: (وغسل طرف ثوب) أو بدن (أصابت نجاسة محلا منه ونسي) المحل (مطهر له وإن) وقع الغسل (بغير تحر) وهو المختار.
وفي رد المحتار: (قوله: ونسي المحل) بالبناء للمجهول، ثم إن النسيان يقتضي سبق العلم والظاهر أنه غير قيد وأنه لو علم أنه أصاب الثوب نجاسة وجهل محلها فالحكم كذلك ولذا عبر بعضهم بقوله " واشتبه محلها " (رد المحتار ج 1 ص 587-586 ط. مكتبة رشيدية)
فتاوى دار العلوم ديوبند: ج 1، ص 283، ط. مكتبة إمدادية ملتان
فتاوى محمودية: ج 5 (ص 250)، و(ص 251)، ط. إدارة الفاروق
And Allah Ta'ala knows best.
Sh. Huzaifa-Ul Hoque
Checked and approved by:
Mufti Faizal Riza
Mufti Anas Qazi
Darul Ifta Australia